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hope Antonelli

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Posts posted by hope Antonelli

  1. I love Curio, though I'm not sure if the problems with someone copying her skins and then accusing her of being the infringer have been resolved as yet. She has lovely skins with amazing attention to detail and when you buy a particular makeup set ypou get ALL the makeups in every color with or w/o freckles.  Thats like 96 skins for 3k..best steal on the grid as far as skins are concerned.

  2. I have become a Curio fanatic and with their most recent releases you not only get light and dark options for each makeup (which is usually 6 or 8 for each set), there's also a freckled and non-freckled version.  The last few that have been released (on the one wall with the newest releases) you get all skin tones in all options. I've lost count how many skins that actually is for the same you'd pay for one or two makeup options in a lot of companies.

  3. Unless the skin is modable your only option to play with makeup would be to use a 2.xx viewer that allows you to layer tattoos to get the look that you want. Ive seen lots of nice and relatively inexpensive lipstick, eyeshadow sets on the market though not sure if they work with every skin/shape. If you bought a skin package that has a naked/pure option with little or no makeup that would be the best base. Then you can add the options you want until you get a look that you like.

  4. I've been in SL for 4 (or 5) years now, I forget and back then i was one of very few avis that was under 6 feet tall. At about 5'3" on the rulers of the day I very seldom caught flack for my height but this was long before people started seeing pedofiles under every rock. There was one time I got kicked out for having what was perceived as a child avi, I just left and never gave them my business from that time on. (Which was their loss, I tend to be a shopaholic, especially in stores that have things i love) Over time my avi has had 18 shape changes, and her current height is about 5'6, which is still short. I made the change recently only because i found a post elsewhere on aesthetic proportions and such.I agree with an ealier post, there do seem to be more small avis now, which i think is a good trend. Not everyone wants to look like Conan the barbarian or Xena. I rp in Gor and i get joked about being so short but its mostly in fun, not "I'm going to report you if you dont change your looks". Make sure you dont act childlike, then stand your ground and let the idiotic comments slide off your back. Its your avi, your concept and frankly, none of their business how you represent yoursent. As I point out in my profile..I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged and you have your sliders all set to max. :P

  5. I've wavered somewhere between 5'2" and 6' tall ever since i started SL four or five years ago. It never made sense to me for 'giants' of 8 feet plus to be the norm though i did get rather tired of spending 90% of my time staring at somebody's crotch. When LL went off on the 'everything shorter than our oversized perception of the norm must be involved in child play'  I just laughed. A child with anatomical features (ie butt and boobs) that in no way should be mistaken as a kid...really? Finally i just decided they could let their lurid little imaginations run amok; I'm perfectly happy at a realistic 5'3. If that gives you sleepless nights then I'm sorry (not really) but I'm glad to see the trend heading to more realistic proportions. For now if my gaze seems fixed on your beltbuckle; let it give you a thrill if you need such to boost your self esteem; just don't block my view of that handsome honey that is trying to make eye contact standing right behind you!

  6. Look on Dashboard front page, go down to buy L's and type in what you want to exchange. Last evening it was showing 240.62=1. This is a realitivility show demonstration, but i was watching it drop steadily for about 45 minutes

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