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CiaoBella Mirabella

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Posts posted by CiaoBella Mirabella

  1. @ Kylan. Thank You :)

    @ Cinn .. Great Sign!!

    Here Im being totally vain and showing off the lingerie named after Moi ...fFom the contest I won...:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: It come in 7 stunning colors.....


    Ciao Ad Teal.png

  2. @ Sylvia..Thank You!! I will let you know.. I think its going to be next week.. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

    @ Kylan.. Thank You!!! Yes it is!! Im really excited to see what the design is going to be.. (will find out Monday) :matte-motes-shocked:

    @ Val.. Aww Thank You Val! Hugs you ....I Love her lingerie! Her designs are always stunning!! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

    @ Venus.... Thank You! ooo you should model it for us here!!! :matte-motes-grin:

  3.  OOOO Sylvia I Love that pose!!! You look adorable :)


    Here is a pic I won a contest with.... My prize??... The designer is naming some lingerie after me which will be featured in her store "Carrie's Lingerie" .....


    Carries Lingerie entry.png


    Nice Purse Maianne :matte-motes-big-grin: Did you make it??

    Who said work couldn't be fun!! Here I am multi tasking.. Arranging stuff in my store "The Stuff Store" while dancing and rocking out to some hawt tunes...... wearing my new Pelletteria Morrisey - Fur Boots.... I LOVE these boots!!!!

    stuff store_004.png


    stuff store_007.png

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