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Mike Burleigh

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Everything posted by Mike Burleigh

  1. Ballroom Now Hiring Dj's,Host's,and Greeter's Experience preferred but will train the right Person(s). Please Contact Me Directly inworld or by Notecard if i am offline. Mike Burleigh
  2. Seeking Employment Selling land or other possibilities. 9 Years in Sl 30 years expereince rl. Message me Inworld or email me @ mikeburleighvwccom@gmail.com I am Professional and Dependable.
  3. Thanks..BEE. Means alot.....its truelly been a labor of Love...It will always be apart of my heart...
  4. nope linden memorial park is closed.. i inquired about who to contact was told by linden..they could not give me the info..in fact i offered to take over linden memorial park, and merge and manage both memorials..so there was always a place in sl...again..still ..was told..they wernt interested.....
  5. After 7 years it comes to an End This Sunday. Featuring Tamra Sands Singing her beautiful Music Honoring ROF Memorial..Join us from 1:00pm SLT-3:00PM SLT as we close the Gates forever. I will be speaking and playing some songs from 1-2 pm then tamra from 2-3..then ill play a few tunes and we will have a SIM Wide Candleight Vigile from 3-4...Thanks Mike Burleigh Mike Burleigh: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Remembering%20Friends/93/130/21
  6. 02-02-2013 09:47 PMDear Remembering Our Friends Community, It is with great sadness that I announce the permanent closure of Remembering Our Friends Memorial in Second Life. The simple facts are the Community is no longer in support of this project, and I cannot support it on my own. For those that have stood beside me, and worked to keep this going....Carlo, Tessie, Jezzie, Graine, David, Lars , Guy, (and IF I forget your name in this list, I am very sorry), we tried, and I thank you for your support over the past 7 years. My dream 7 years ago was to have a permanent memorial sim to remember loved ones in Second Life. But more importantly it was to show support and love for those grieving their losses and help them move on. We have had no Linden support and although this project was planned for long term, the lack of financial support except for from a small group of folks, is more burden in tight economic times than I can afford to keep up. I also know that the sim has helped many, and the need for that help has waned in the last year or so. In one way .. our goals were accomplished. Wishing it could continue for those in need in the future but no longer can I carry the financial obligation to the extent that's required. I will always remember the people I have helped with ROF Memorials. A lot of you will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. It's never a good feeling to close something so many have loved and worked so hard to maintain, but there are other ways to show the love and support we want to give to others. It's been a cherished and satisfying endeavor. That being said, please know that my desire to help those that need assistance for their loss will never go away. I'm always available to talk and comfort those who wish it. Effective March 1st, 2013 Remembering Friends Memorial Will close. We will have some events this next month as we prepare to close this peaceful sim with respect and honor. If you are interested in a copy of a plaque, you may purchase a No Transfer/No Modify/Copy for 250 Lindens. If you have a memorial that you had placed @ Remembering Friends Memorial, you are entitled to one Free No Modify/No Transfer/No Copy copy. Any additional copies can be purchased for 5,000.00 Lindens. These charges are needed to recover final SIM costs. I'll gladly field any questions you may have personally. This is a bitter sweet day for me. My long loved project ends, but with every ending comes a new beginning of something else as heartfelt. Thank you once again for you support and love. You can't look back with regret when a chapter is closed - you just have to find something better in the future. Thank You for 7 Years of helping to Remember Our Friends, Mike Burleigh Founder Remembering Friends Memorial.
  7. The Broken Road Club is Hiring Djs and Host Staff. Please Contact Mike Burleigh InWorld if you are a Dj Looking for a Hot New Club to PLay. Or Jezzie Juliesse if you are a Host Person Looking for Work. We are looking for all different styles of Music, and Experience is a Must. As a Club we do not ask for a Percentage of your Tip's, All we Expect is you to take Ownership, and make it your club when you are here. In other Words..Have Fun...No Drama....
  8. I am looking for a Script that can be used to make a candle you can pay to keep lit that goes out in a few days or weeks depending on the amount paid..also a flower that blooms when you pay it and wilts in a few days or weeks depending on amount paid please contact mke inworld if you think you can help
  9. We actually have Memorial Candles..that you can donate to for 10,50, or 100l to keep lit in memory of your loved ones...
  10. Remembering Friends is the Longest running Memorial SIM in Second Life. Our Plaques have always been free. We ask for donations to help with tier. The few times we have received more then tier its been donated back to the SL Community. We have hosted Remembrance day Twice as a personal request from the LIndens. We have over 500 People Memorialized at Remembering Friends. We have been in SL over six years.For 4 of those years i supported ROF out of my own pocket. We remember not just Avatars that have disappeared. Most of our Memorials are R/L People that have passed away. Regardless of Linden Support, Discount,etc, or regardless of Donations...ROF has,will, and with exception of my R/L Death will remain. Lots of people have been helped with ROF..Sadly ROF is to much like a real cemetary.people come they have a loved one remembered, and after awhile they just fade away.The plaque stays.The people leave as does there support. At the end of the day the persons suggestion is appreciated, and it sure would be honorable to get a little discount..Regardless.Remembering Our Friends will be here, as we have for many years, WHEN YOU NEED US. Hopefully you don't.In the meantime if you would like to place a Memorial plaque for a Loved one that has passed. Please send myself or Carlo Dufaux a notecard with the persons name, and a few nice words. if you would like a picture please send it modify/copy/transfer. We will let you know when its placed. We only ask for donations there is no set price at this point. if you can't donate you still get your plaque. We also do Custom Monuments by request. Which there is a nominal fee for......If you have further questions,or are interested in helping support Remembering Our Friends Memorial. Please contact Mike Burleigh in world. Thanks
  11. Second Life Day of Remembrance 2011 sponsored by Remembering Our Friends Memorial What: The day in Second Life dedicated to Remembering those that have passed away. When: Sunday April 17th (this Sunday)Time: 9:00am slt : Opening ceremonies & speakers: Mike Burleigh, Nissa Rewell & Rica Richez.Tessie Teebrook 10:00am slt- Bones Writer 11:00amslt: Kitzie Lane 12:00pm slt Mamaa Saiz 1:00pmslt Paul Nowles 2:00pmslt Caoilte Skytower 3:00pmslt Yaro Pinion 4:00pmslt Wytchwhisper Sadofsky 5:00pmslt Chapman Zane 6:00pmslt KevinMThomas Carpool 7:00pmslt EricSteffensen Mistwalker 8:00pmslt Grif Bamaisin 9:00pmslt Ichie Kamachi http://slurl.com/secondlife/Remembering%20Friends/119/70/21
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