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Ridge Cronon

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Everything posted by Ridge Cronon

  1. Some good ideas. If anyone wants to collaborate that can help make any of these ideas happen I am game. I have 4 rental homes currently but open land on the other side of the road that I haven't done anything with yet.
  2. Hi Feorie, I should be able to subdivide a sandbox area for everyone but then make the rental areas separate with security. Maybe that would cut down on griefers
  3. Thanks, so by sandbox you mean just a general area around the rentals where people can hang out ?
  4. I have almost an entire mainland sim separated by a road and surrounded by mostly abandoned land. Any ideas on how I should develop it that contributes to SL in a needed way and also gives me a little bit of money back on the monthly fees? It's been sitting here a while and I was going to do homes/apartments/hotel/shops but not sure if SL residents want that anymore or if I should do something else. I have been in SL since 2006 and there have been lots of changes but I haven't been very active in the last couple years. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  5. Hello, I have a large amount of mainland with a road in the middle. I started putting down homes for rent on one side and planned to do shops/hotel on the other side of the road but I have run out of time to devote to the project and would like some help with it. The main focus I have is to make my area look really nice and have people come and rent shops or homes and possibly have activities. Let me know if anyone is interested in helping with the project. Thanks
  6. I need some help terraforming some land based on a specific design I have in mind. If you are interested message me in world
  7. Looking for a homestead and someone to take a map I have and do a custom terraform job.
  8. Looking for a homestead and someone to take a map I have and do a custom terraform job.
  9. I have a couple building projects for my Narnian sim. Please respond here or in-world. Thanks
  10. I have a Narnia themed sim and I am looking for a couple specific builds that I don't have time to do. Unfortunately these items were lost when I moved my sim. Contact me in world or feel free to post here. The Beavers House http://www.google.com/imgres?q=beaver+house+narnia&hl=en&sa=X&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4SKPT_enUS414US423&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=U--_F3iKDbGYwM:&imgrefurl=http://www.threadless.com/profile/543393/WarDrobeInSpareOom/blog/444634/I_went_to_Narnia_today_Pictures&docid=v4fw_roKNSjBWM&w=500&h=333&ei=83CHTsScDeeGsgL7lq3NDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=188&vpy=150&dur=828&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=150&ty=108&page=2&tbnh=113&tbnw=151&start=10&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:10&biw=1088&bih=469 Puddleglum's house. (Basically a modified TP) http://www.google.com/imgres?q=puddleglum&hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=xda8_NnRUGrxkM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dana-mad.ru/gal/display.php%3Fimg%3D4037&docid=jFMmOkUwyBcmTM&w=500&h=498&ei=snCHTsybM4KhsQKVhJTRAQ&zoom=1&biw=1088&bih=469&iact=rc&dur=297&page=4&tbnh=112&tbnw=120&start=42&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:42&tx=72&ty=50 Stone table (Broken) http://www.google.com/imgres?q=stone+table+narnia&hl=en&sa=X&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4SKPT_enUS414US423&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=sjknqloGBuDIdM:&imgrefurl=http://hollywoodmoviecostumesandprops.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html&docid=zxhSsVWqRyWOJM&w=600&h=800&ei=InGHTpS7A7SEsgLrov3ADw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=705&vpy=59&dur=1454&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=147&ty=217&page=3&tbnh=115&tbnw=91&start=20&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:20&biw=1088&bih=469
  11. I just need the structures but they need to look as close to the images as possible. I don't need any furniture for now but if you are good at that type of thing I would consider it
  12. I have a Narnia themed sim and I am looking for a couple specific builds that I don't have time to do. The Beavers House and Puddleglum's house. You can find pictures online. IM me in world if interested or respond here.
  13. I am looking for a custom build for my Narnian themed sim. I have a sketch from the book for you to attempt to mimic as close as possible. If you are interested IM me in world to discuss.
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