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GothixGrafx Utherwurldly

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Posts posted by GothixGrafx Utherwurldly

  1. I work in multiple grids and want a set of full perm dreadlocks and wild beard to keep my look consistent across all virtual worlds.

    Please provide approximate price and reference links to your work.



    GothixGrafx Utherwurldy



  2. Feel free to use my location to verify failure regarding JumpPos/WarpPos.

    (Hanedan Heights/65/153/22)


    You are at 232,513.0, 326,809.0, 22.0 in Hanedan Heights located at sim4907.agni.lindenlab.com (
    Second Life Server
    Error fetching server release notes URL.

  3. Biography
    The "Pickled Pixie"
    Height: 3 ft 11 in
    Often I am mistaken as a "Rasta-Fairy-N"

    So begins the profile of a falling down drunken Pixie with wings, chin braids, and dreadlocks in an effort to thwart the ignorant. But not everyone waits for the chin braids to rez or bothers to purv the profile.

    As a land owner I would like to think I have the right to ask someone to leave and ban them if they don’t comply.  But what if… I ask you to leave my SIM area simply because I feel your avatar height is not acceptable. Am I breaking the first rule of the Community Standards?

    Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life's Community Standards.

    Would this behavior be allowed if I were a real life little person (short stature resulting from a medical condition) and my avatar accurately represented me?

    Just some thoughts for you all to chew on. Flame me, I’m short and I can take it.



  4. Please forgive my ignorance but I think I've stumbled onto something here.  A chat history of my attempt to verify:

    [2011/09/11 11:35]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: ok ... if you do about land you will see i have 0 (?)[2011/09/11 11:36]  PRIM_WITNESS: uh huh[2011/09/11 11:36]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: ok now i drop my build[2011/09/11 11:36]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: it's all linked as one object[2011/09/11 11:37]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: should show as 134 ... may take a sec[2011/09/11 11:37]  PRIM_WITNESS: yup 134[2011/09/11 11:37]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: now look at land again and see 751 prim used[2011/09/11 11:38]  PRIM_WITNESS: right. so all the fencing is causing that[2011/09/11 11:38]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: ok but if i unlink everything watch[2011/09/11 11:39]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: now shows 135[2011/09/11 11:39]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: on land[2011/09/11 11:39]  PRIM_WITNESS: lol[2011/09/11 11:39]  PRIM_WITNESS: ok, so now link just the fences.[2011/09/11 11:40]  PRIM_WITNESS: can you select m an link em[2011/09/11 11:40]  GothixGrafx Utherwurldly: i ran several tests deleting the sculpts and didnt make a differance: linking kills[2011/09/11 11:40]  PRIM_WITNESS: this is very sucky then[2011/09/11 11:41]  PRIM_WITNESS: server version[2011/09/11 11:41]  PRIM_WITNESS: here : Second Life Server[2011/09/11 11:43]  PRIM_WITNESS: ow


    Ok... so I think I'm doing right by SL by building a house that is comprised of only standard prim objects.  But linking them together casues a drastic differance in usage.  I found the following chatter as it applies to mesh.  Does this mean the concept is now applicable to regular prims when they are linked????

    "Larger objects are seen at higher levels of detail (LOD) across a larger distance by more avatars.  That is extra load for the servers (to send the higher detail versions), and extra load for the PCs which see the increased detail (slower frames per second, more download lag).  So there is a cost penalty in prim equivalents when you make a mesh item larger."

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