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Celeste Balogh

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Posts posted by Celeste Balogh

  1. How do I allow people to come into my linden home... I did  something ,  don't know what..but now My  friends cannot enter my home..Any  help would be greatly appreciated ..thank you

  2. I use to be able to put my mouse over a person's head and see their name..now that does not happen..It may be something I touched..I really do not know..an y suggestions??  thanks in advance

  3. at the very  top on the right hand side . there appears what looks liked a TV. I clicked on it and what appear was the word Default. I clicked on it and a green check mark came up by  the default word.. Now I do not know how to remove the green check mark. Can some one tell me how to go about removing the check mark..Believe me I know this is probably a dumb question but I am  baffled. Any help would be appreciated, or tell me where to  go to get the answer..Thanks in Advance

  4. hello, I am having difficulty when  go to the marketplace. It takes the minimum of 8 to 10 minutes to go to the next "choice/page"..This has just started the last 2 weeks or so,,I have had my computer cleaned..in case that was the problem.I may have to live with  it but was wondering if anyone else has had that issue

    Second issue..where and what in peference do I  click  on to be able to see by use of my radar..the furtest distance that I can see..thanks to any one who takes time to answer these questions for I know they  are not life or death questions...these things are just annoying me...

    thanks Celeste

  5. to repeat....just got a new Computer installed SL,I can not get any audio...my speakers work fine...but not on SL ..the computer is an Alienware X 51..I dont know if that matters  any suggestions woujld be grteatly appreciated


    Thank you for responding....and to answer your question...I cannot...i tried with Pandora as well as shoutcast...pandora said ,,that perhaps a fiewall or browser Plugin may be preventing it from loading.


    Thank you both so much for your responses, for I am a very happy camper,,,I played around until I got Pandora to come on and install...That may have changed things in my Sl....thank you both for responding me ,,It Helped me to see , I was not alone and that there is help out there,,,again thnk you

  6. hello . I would appreciate any help on this.

    I have saved a lot of "outfits” with the click of my mouse. I love this feature..I am .able to click on "wear" and it all comes on, It is so convenient..but i now have a lot of "outfits " many have become out dated and i would like to remove them from the outfit list...but i do not want to loose all of the items ,for some of the items i am still using,,,how do i take away some of the "outfits"...thanks in advance fore any help. Celeste

  7. when i click on an object (any object)..the object becomes highlighted but the object itself becomes  no longer visible..so all i have at this  point is an highlighted object which is invisible,,.This happens also when i click on avatar all dissapears but the hair...then when I click on the highlighted arrows then the edit menu itself dissapears.

    Help please...have had this problem for a week..i have installed it several times in hope that would correct itself. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


    You took the words right out of my mouth Faye..with your list..except, i will not be buying any Mesh.

    I dont like it..the hair has none or barely any flex...I would have to change my shape..(which took  a while to get to the point i was satisfied)..and the biggest reason is my my boyfriend cannot see the items i am wearing...(he does not have as SL viewer)..so i refuse to spend even 1 linden on clothes that canot always be seayen,,,

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