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Ralph Highmist

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  1. BEST ways Linden lottery as posted earlier Earn2life - go and travel form place to place waiting 1-11 mins per for avg of 2:1 ratio (2 mins 1L$) Travelhud - similar to Earn2life but ONLY tavel and instant payout AEM - work for 2 loactions for 120 secs gaining 2 linden each job ( can Complete daily) Remember this is SL day not OURS FISHING for small but money for sitting for 120 each cast (50 fish a day - althoughu can buy more to continue) Crystal Hunt as Prevoius post Surf2Linden - sends you to 2 websites for 15 secs each for 1-2L$ More to Come
  2. Im liking your setup, requests and needs and i think i would be great, and would love to chat in person (skype etc) but one thing i didnt understand was.. NO PAY for the first 30 days? or was that tip only or is there a salery plus commission? i need to know this as bills in RL and SL keep me tight for time. saying that things can be moved if we came to some sort of agreement etc also we can see if i even qualify =) hope to speak soon ozlexenstar AT Gmail.com Thanks for reading and offering this grand position.
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