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Aurora Starchild

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Everything posted by Aurora Starchild

  1. I want to clarify a couple things. I asked exactly, if the CasperVend system itself having issues, I did mention that I have deliveries issues, since that what was an obvious clue to me. Casper mention on top, that the issues are due to "result of a merchant misconfiguration". I have had deliveries from multiple stores that same moment that wasn't arriving. As well as I did check the status page of my deliveries and it shows that item was found and recall from a dropbox, it got stuck exactly on the "Deliver Copy #1". Therefore my assumption was that the issue is on the CasperVend side. As I already mention before, I've got kicked from a group, for violating a rule that I did not violate. That is my main issue that made me make that post, since rule clearly states that you must not "ask for help for devices not owned by the avatar you are using". I'm pretty sure if @Casper Warden read the full log that been sent to a ticket, he will not find there any mentions of items I do not own. Until it's considered that if I do not own CasperTech, I'm not allowed to ask about CasperVend delivery server status. I think it's very important to understand that to violate that rule, I had to ask: "I have issue with delivery from a (store)", while I asked: "Is there something with CasperVend now?". My question was about CasperVend system and not any specific merchant, therefore it doesn't breaks the rule. That makes all the difference, if you have punishments for breaking rules, I think you should stick exactly to what said in the rule. I have not asked about specific devices not owned by me. Language precision is vital when it comes to laws and rules. So until I'm getting a formal apology and invite to rejoin a group, I will consider that Casper is not in compliance with their own established rules.
  2. Thank you! I will be sure to check both of that solutions, I have heard about MD and even have seen a few vendors at lelutka store using them. I wonder why many big stores switched though, surely can't be due to support 😏
  3. Yeah, I totally understand the separation between merchant support and users support, though I guess the question about current state of the system falls under both categories. I really see no point creating a whole support ticket when it's just a temporary server hiccup. Therefore I think the moderator that anyway answering merchants (which I am as well) could've just said "servers are fine everything works as expected" (in perfect scenario) or just a simple "Yes", instead of toxicity and threats. After all I didn't asked for a re-delivery from a certain store, or question items quality. I totally understand why support would use that rule when such questions asked. I asked about their own system stability, a general question that both, merchants and users might ask.
  4. Hello everyone, Recently, I've been having issues with delayed deliveries from a few stores where I purchased items through Casper vendors. I decided to check it in with the CasperVend support group and asked a simple, logical question: "Is there something with CasperVend now? I'm not getting a delivery". To my surprise, a moderator responded by threatening me, saying that I was breaking the group's rules. Specifically, they mentioned: - On which I specified that I asked about CasperVend service availability, not a specific merchant or a store. - And got replied that "It's not an excuse" After receiving such an unhelpful response to my question — a question that could have been answered with a simple yes or no. I decided to open a support ticket. In the ticket, I inquired about the delays in deliveries and requested CasperVend to conduct a discussion with the moderator who had responded aggressively instead of providing a straightforward answer. Not only did I receive a response stating that there were no issues, but I was also kicked out of the support group and accused of breaking their rules. I found these accusations unacceptable, as I am very familiar with the rules, and my question was phrased in a way that did not violate 3rd rule in any manner. Therefore I replied with a clarification: After which instead of getting an answer from someone, I've got an answer from someone else that has nothing but saying "Contact the store owner", even though the discussion by it's end was all about me being accused of breaking rules (which I never did) and wrongfully kicked from a group. So I'm still not sure how a question about CasperVend system itself, that does not mention any merchant or third-parties could get me accused of breaking the rules. I've been a good user of CasperVend system as a merchant on two stores for over 5 years, and that kind level of support I get? I understand that Casper got bought by Linden Lab, but shouldn't that make them more user-friendly and at very least stick to their own rules? Maybe some Linden would see that post and tell Casper to behave better towards loyal customers. That's not a flame posting at all, even though I feel awful that a product I used for long having such "support", now I will have to leave them as a merchant since I really don't want any of my customers have that kind of experience if they message their "support" with an issue. So please guys, provide me a list of good vendor systems in your opinion bellow, I will be happy to try them out as a replacement, preferably with good support that does not accuse people for nothing!
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