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Solly Lethecus

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  1. Aquila is quite correct, I did in fact have two textures applied to the same surface, the second being the .001. I corrected the problem by unwrapping the part again, and withing UV Editing, moved the new pieces to correspond with the original texture map. Bear in mind that the part had defined seams, so it could be unwrapped identically. I exported the UV map, applied the original texture to that, saving to a .png under another name. In Blender, I deleted the texture and the material. Made a new material and assigned the new map to that. Yes, indeed, that was the problem. We all oops now and then. Thanks Aquila for your help.
  2. I have built and imported a lot of meshes into SL and textured them without trouble, so most of the process isn't new. What I have is an airplane where all of the textures (in local texture) have applied correctly with exception of the wings and tail. Am currently using Blender 2.93 for the builds; export the uv maps to Corel for texturing and finally applying those to the build in Blender. The uv maps are from the individual parts of the build--I figured that out early on. I typically import the whole build as a .dae file into SL, then add textures in local, using Alpha Masking as desired. Typically, the maps don't have to be adjusted, they just go on. The top and bottoms of the wings are separate panels for simplicity's sake. When applying the texture I get something that looks waaaay stretched and out of focus; no amount of fiddling with texture adjustments brings anything into view. Back in Blender, I isolated the upper panels, exported those as a .dae into a new Blender session, saved that as a new Blend file. I unwrapped that, exported the uv map from that, used a copy of a color grid. Imported the .dae of that and applied the new map. Same problem. For those who've managed to remain awake through the above, got any suggestions? Please. https://gyazo.com/0bf7287c3424f13a912e62939618be91 https://gyazo.com/f41108341717d20e14de7c111f4fcbb4 https://gyazo.com/d968821a50ed9fc3978f2681feb7fefd
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