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Everything posted by alteredblvck

  1. Gotcha. I can host the mp4 file on my own web server. but if i can't get the video to autoplay, it's kind of pointless. Do you perhaps have any other suggestions? I'm trying to create an AD board for my store. I don't have parcel media access so I can't go down that route either.
  2. I'm not exactly a scripter, just learning the basics. I'd like to loop a youtube video on a prim face. However, when i teleport out and back in, the prim requires being touched to initiate the media again. Is there a way through scripting to automatically start the media on a prim without requiring it to be touched to initialize the media?
  3. I'm working on an attached accessory and I'm trying to figure out how to rotate only certain linked prims. I do not want to rotate the root as it rotates the whole object. I have 6 linked prims including the root. I need to rotate/spin prims 2, 4, 5 and 6 on the z axis. The prims needs to rotate around the z axis, in place. I'm not trying to create an orbiting object. I've been messing around for days but can't figure it out. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast doesn't work on child prims on an attached object went it comes to rotation by the looks of it. And TargetOmega only spins the object client side. Any help would be amazing.
  4. I'm working on something that has 4 child prims linked to a root prim. The link number shown in the edit menu is not matching the link number that scripts are getting for those child prims. For example, the edit menu shows link number 2, but when using llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast, I have to use link number 5 those parameters to apply to the specific child prim. I decided to use a script to get the link number of the child prims upon touch and none of them match the link numbers shown in the edit menu for those respective prims. Attached is an example. FYI, I'm on the beta grid so I don't know if this is a beta grid issue.
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