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Everything posted by CrazyOne13

  1. Hello, I've used HUDDLES EZ animator for my dancing animations and never had any problem with the different HUD's that I have until I started noticing sometimes they would just stop playing the animations ( every single button becomes dead ) and sometimes the hud suddenly starts working again... It keeps getting messed up and when it stops working, I try detaching and attaching again but it won't resolve the problem. Clearing the cache doesn't work as well, the only solution I'm seeing is remaking a brand new HUD from scratch but it takes time and I don't want to do that everytime the HUDs start failing... Anyone else getting this problem?
  2. Hello, I've gifted many lindens to a friend and I want to see how much I've sent him in total, is there a way to see that? I tried looking in our chat history but it only shows me how much THEY have sent me... I know they could do the same and check their chat history and tell me how much I've sent them but they don't want to do it... Thanks and have a nice day
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