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Chip Craig

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Everything posted by Chip Craig

  1. Initial support via an AI chatbot is actually a good idea. Consider it to be just a replacement for a knowledge base - you say what it is wrong and it suggests known fixes. Should the AI fail to resolve your issue then (depending upon your membership level) you still have access to various other support options. In theory, this should free up support staff to deal with proper support issues instead of "I can't be bothered to rtfm issues." In theory, providing it is limited to initial support only then it is good.
  2. My experience of SL and MMORPGs is that you will find a toxic culture if you go looking for one. Certain activities in MMORPGs are more toxic than others (high end content and people obsessed with meta builds). Certain areas and activities in SL are more prone to toxic people and griefers. If you give these people what they want (attention) then you will become their new plaything. A lot simpler to ignore them.
  3. If your monitor is connected to the motherboard then you will not actually be using the graphics card but will be using whatever discrete graphics the motherboard has on it - that's probably why Second Life gives up as it can't run on motherboard discrete graphics. From your last screenshot you will see your computer is using Intel HD Graphics and not the AMD card. In order to actually use the graphics card you need to plug your monitor into it - if it still does not work then there is something wrong with the graphics card and you will need to seek a repair or replacement (probably cheaper to opt for replacement). You could try opening up the computer (with it powered off of course) and then reseating the graphics card. From personal experience though I think you will have to get a new one as when they start to fail there is no other alternative.
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