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    Joseph Douglas
  1. I figured out the BOM after my last post. I'm not sure how to take off the applier, there isn't an option for that. Here is where I am now. I may start looking at a different skin.
  2. I think you were on to something. I found the 1.0 skin and the demo looks better. There is still a line, could that be because of the demo skin?
  3. The head and body skins are from Not Found. I took the neck fade off, and still no change. Maybe I'm not applying the skins correctly? I'm not sure what this means. I found a reference to reset materials.
  4. I thought a separate body skin purchase needed to be made. But I couldn't find it in not found. I looked again and found it. I think I'm starting to figure this out. I've made some progress but still have a problem with that line. I also have Neckfades that came with the Legacy body. Should I be using these? I couldn't figure out how to use them. For some reason, when I go to "Edit Outfit Parts" it automatically rotates to the back. I'm still learning all of this stuff. I thought I would start with the avatar first. Thank you everyone for your help!
  5. Thanks, I think I have fixed the eyes. I'm a little unclear about the first part: Is the body layer "[Body] Legacy (m) (1.6)"? or is it something in the "Not Found" skin? The skin does have a "Neck Fade", but adding that doesn't seem to have any effect. Maybe I'm not understanding something. In the body's HUD, there is a style selector. In some of the YouTubes I watch, it said to use the "Apply BOM." Should I not do this?
  6. I'm sure this question has been asked before, so I apologize. I'm new and have been watching countless videos on YouTube on creating an Avatar. Many of these videos assume you know things about the SL interface, and I get lost. I feel like I have incompatible parts or something. One video said the skin comes with a head skin and body skin, but all I got was ears and browless. Can someone help? Also, the eyes look strange:
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