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Spruce Evergreen

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  1. I am uncertain if you upgrade if it stays at a grandfathered price or not tbh! But I’m hopeful I’ll not need to upgrade for a long while and can just stick with 20k for the time being. It has just been challenging to find a grandfathered region in general. Seems few and far between nowadays! But I’m willing to be patient for the right sim!
  2. Hello! I was initially seeking a 30k grandfathered sim, but upon realizing that I can upgrade to a 30k prim sim at any time, I am now seeing a grandfathered 20k prim sim. If anyone is looking to sell there's at a reasonable price please contact me. Thank you! Spruce
  3. Hello! Still very interested if someone has a sim. I would also be happy with a 20k at this point in time.
  4. Hi all! I am still very interested in purchasing a grandfathered 30k prim sim. Please keep me in mind if selling. Thank you! <3
  5. Hi Julienne! I'm very interested and very open to offers & covering transfer fees etc.
  6. Again this is all so helpful. Today is the day I am working on all of this and I keep referring back to this forum thread. Truly can't thank you enough and i'll let you know how the final product turns out!
  7. You guys are all so incredible and helpful! I’ve been stuck in the land of RL work but plan to sit down and try and tackle this more tomorrow. I ran into a few issues also with land impact being higher than I want but may just be trial and error. I’ll let you guys know an update on how it all goes very soon. Thank you again so much for everyone’s guidance and time on this!
  8. Thank you so very much for taking the time to write all of this out in such great detail with screenshots included. It will prove incredibly helpful. I plan to spend today re-working my errors to see if I can be successful and I will absolutely utilize all the details in this post to help me on my journey. Truly thank you again!
  9. I am currently in search of a 30k prim grandfathered sim, going for a reasonable price. Thanks for the consideration! Spruce
  10. I appreciate the responses! It was indeed a strange export setting my computer decided to randomly implement!
  11. Hi all. I am at the point of setting up my house physics for my very first home build. I followed Chic Aeon's tutorial (thank you for the youtube tutorial btw Chic!) & did cube physics. Made sure the prims don't touch. Etc... When I go to upload I have two problems: 1. I cannot change my physics mesh shape to "prim" as directed. 2. my physics layer uploads slightly off and not lined up with my mesh. Example below: I would be beyond grateful for some guidance with this. I've been working on it all day today and I just can't seem to figure this issue out. Thanks kindly! Spruce
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