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  1. I am working with a few lockable items with the realkey plugin and i'm having a hard time figuring out a way to use them safely. For reference the item I am using deluxe gag by Marine Kelley. When it is on me, anyone can lock it. Once it is locked, only the original locker can unlock it again unless I have given someone a realkey via the plugin. However, the person who locked the item also seems to be able to turn off realkey, making any realkeys useless. The item itself can be taken off by shutting rlv off and re-launching SL but upon re-activating RLV and re-equipping the item, it'll be locked under the same settings, the key with the original locker. Which seems to imply a friend or a stranger can permanently break an item by locking and vanishing and there doesn't seem to be anything to revert the locks once they are locked, apart from playing the escape minigame. Am I missing a workaround here? How can I safely use these things?
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