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  1. Hello Fenix I will try it out again thanks
  2. Hi, I tried the script and placed the section needed to place the HUD on the screen. It still does not do this. It just pops up the HUD above the clicked object.
  3. Thank you Fenix and Quistess, I have tried for a week to get this to work to where it is now. The reason I am taking so long is this is the first time I am doing any scripting. I have found what Quistess had posted and that is what some of the script is based on. That worked fine if I was giving them the touched item as a HUD, but that has to stay behind. If I remove the "llAttachToAvatarTemp" that at least does not place the switch on the screen with a deletion when detached. Also, with that line remarked out I still get the " Can't parse destination key" It looks to me that it is not getting the user's key (uuid). At this point, I am totally confused. I am still not able to place the content of the touched object as a HUD. I asked about this earlier on in this project on an inworld group and I was told this could not be done or you're not allowed to have something that a user touches and places the object on them or their screen. That to me does not make sense since they are asked for permission. I have seen some items inworld when clicked it asks permission and you have a Text above your head for one of these RP regions, it had to attach that object with the floating text script somewhere. I stopped asking in the inworld groups since that got me nowhere.
  4. Hi, I have been working on a script and have run into some issues with it. The script is to be placed in an item (a texture selector that looks like part of a control panel) on the wall of a house. When a person clicks/touches the item they are asked for permission to attach a HUD, if accepted, the Hud will appear on the screen center and temporarily stay on screen until a detach button is clicked. The HUD will not be saved to the user's Inventory, which saves on clutter. Within the switch (object) will be the Texture HUD that will be placed on the screen. So far I have this working, but it places the touched (switch) itself on the screen as the HUD, not the content which is the actual HUD. Also, when the (switch) is touched and placed on the screen, it disappears and is deleted. In addition to that not properly working I get this error llGiveInventory: Can't parse destination key" As you can see from the below script I have some items with statements. Lines 24-32 is where I am testing the llGiveInventory. Again, in short, all this should do is be a clickable/touched object(switch) on a wall, ask for permission to attach a HUD, and if accepted then leave the (switch) on the wall and place the content of the (switch) being the texture hud on the screen as a HUD. Can someone tell me what is missing or not right in my script or is this something that will not work? Sorry if I may have sounded repetitive in my explanation. Thank You string objectName = "TextureHUD"; // Change name if different default { state_entry() { llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } touch_start(integer n) { llRequestPermissions( llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_ATTACH ); // Pop-up Asking usr permission to attach. } run_time_permissions( integer UserPermissions ) { if( UserPermissions & PERMISSION_ATTACH ) { // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Added Test +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), objectName); // Give object content llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_2); // placement of HUD. y and z position needed? } // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Added Test End ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ else { llOwnerSay( "Permission to attach denied" ); // shows in local chat if denied. Remark out if not needed } } on_rez(integer rez) { if(!llGetAttached()) { //reset the script if it's not attached. llResetScript(); //reset the script if it's not attached. } } }
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