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Karol Lyric

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Everything posted by Karol Lyric

  1. Thanks, everybody, for your thoughts. It makes total sense to me now (almost a "duh" moment for me). So I just need to alpha-out the system eyes and use the meshes instead; I do like being able to resize the irises. I'd love to find something where I could dilate the pupils separately.
  2. Thanks. I'm fine with system eyes myself. I've been away a few years, so just relearning things. It took me a long time to even adopt a mesh head; until Bento, you pretty much got what you got, and I liked the face I created after long, painstaking tweaking. With the "new" (to me) eyes, I didn't know if there was some significant difference, but it seems there isn't, so I'll stick with system eyes unless they become a problem.
  3. I have mesh eyes with matching system eyes for my Catwa HDPro head (and a LeLutka evox head). The system eyes look fine, identical to the mesh eyes, so what is the advantage of using the mesh eyes? There must be a reason, but I don't know what it is. Thanks for enlightening me!
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