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  1. Jaynes Agency services businesses and affluent people in Second Life. Whether for prestige, assurance or the usefulness of services provided, our clients receive the very best. Close Personal Security: - Primarily an RP service that does have practical utility. - Armed security services such as patrolling your business or estate. - Situational awareness. Observing who is around and tracking activity. - When given proper authority by sim owners, assisting in monitoring visitor behaviour and ejecting those in violation of your rules. - Armed security details providing escort to events. - Advance team assessment. Attending sims or events in advance to report on possible risk, numbers of attendees, identify suitable seating/arrival location and other operational information as required. Personal Assistant: - Contact people to initiate an introduction, conduct business or obtain information. - Research information or make arrangements. - Conduct searches for outfits as per client specifications. Need a certain type of outfit for an event? Having someone search for them and then provide links saves time. - Greeting visitors and guests to assist them with integration to your events. Professionalism: - Trained professionals that interact and conduct themselves in a way that conveys a high level of performance. - Unless operational requirements demand otherwise, dressed in business attire. - Weapons are holstered inconspicuously and only drawn when the threat level demands. All SL terms/rules are observed in relation to firearms. - Discretion is a mainstay of the service. Investigative: - Investigations into incidents. - Background Investigations regarding business contacts, prospective employees, etc. - Risk assessment with regard to contacts or attendance at sims. Other duties as requested are negotiable for individual contracts. For further information about our services, please contact EmilyJaynes or SarahCache in world.
  2. The contact link may not have worked properly. Pleas contact EmilyJaynes for information. Thanks!
  3. I have experience in providing professional private security. Private events, estate, personal escort and many other types of security functions are available. It's SL! Why hire security?? Personal Security While primarily an RP service, it does have practical utility. A security professional provides armed security services such as patrols of your business or estate. Keeping track of who is around you and your property. When given proper authority by sim owners, a security professional can also assist in monitoring visitor behaviour and eject those in violation of your rules. Professional security can also travel ahead of you to a sim you plan to visit. Once on scene the security professional will make note of anyone you may be in conflict with, identify appropriate areas for you to occupy once you arrive. provide physical security while you attend events and keep constant communication with you . Some sims allow combat. A security professional is trained to engage threats and assist you with evacuation. Personal Assistant A security professional is trained and available in other duties to better assist you. They will contact people on your behalf to initiate an introduction, conduct business or obtain information. Having a security professional research information or make arrangements can save a great deal of time that would be better spent by you in your busy lifestyle. They can also provide reception services at your place of business or act as a concierge that is not only convenient, but again, saves you valuable time. Professionalism A security professional is well trained and can interact and conduct themselves in a way that conveys a high level of performance. For most duties a private security professional is in business attire. Weapons are holstered inconspicuously and only drawn when the threat level demands. All SL terms/rules are observed by a security professional in relation to firearms. Private professional security is for the person that has a busy and successful lifestyle. It's so much more than just status, it's a service you never knew you needed until you've enjoyed it. Please contact secondlife:///app/agent/830493b6-5dd8-43aa-869b-468193be05b4/inspect for further information about getting professional security for you.
  4. Hi. I'm interested in renting this houseboat. Is it still available?
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