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  1. You were absolutely right, i was using blender version 2.93, and for some reason it was not grouping them correctly. It does group them perfectly on blender 3.5 (lastest one), finally i was able to export the animation correctly now. 😄 Thank you!
  2. Hello! Yes, i exported it exactly the same way as you showed in the video -> fbx -> scene, and it does play the animation in blender exactly like in cascadeur, but i can't manage to export it to SL. Here it is how it appears in the timeline: https://prnt.sc/_5NCm28e983B inside of the "Avatar" channel: https://prnt.sc/S1VEE0GtoBAc I can't manage to see the animation channels the way they show on your video at minute 2:41, i guess that's why i'm not able to export it correctly. Thanks again for your help and for the guide 🙂
  3. Very good guide, I have a small doubt, precisely at minute 2:41, in your fbx file all the channels appear, mPelvis, mTorso, mChest, etc., however when I import my fbx to Blender, only one channel appears, which is 'Avatar'. Thank you very much for sharing your file and export tool!
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