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Everything posted by Demiourgia

  1. I had to recently reset my settings and managed to find all of my old ones, but my avatar's head keeps following random objects that I'm not clicking on or even standing next to. Does anyone know what affects this and how to turn it off?
  2. I had a similar issue, usually when Firestorm leaks memory for some reason and a place that takes 3gb of RAM is suddenly using 16gb... which is twice as much as the amount of memory your entire system has. Next time this starts happening, open Task Manager and check if your memory is at 99%. If yes, there you go. You found the issue. Sadly that also means that there's no real solution because I am also experiencing the same issue with 4x as much RAM. I've been forced to explore different viewers because of it.
  3. Done it now on the rig with the AMD. Still having the same issues.
  4. To be fair, in most populated places there's at least one avatar or object that may cause any of these issues. The best option to avoid these glitches for me is using Black Dragon and exile myself to my own parcel. Until my girl pays me a visit and her thighs start glitching at me, forcing me to politely ask her to change her outfit to something less revealing.
  5. It doesn't seem intentional. Most of my friends don't experience the same glitches as I do on those objects, but then some other people claim it is glitching for them. Also applies to some of the other issues I'm having. At least a handful of the people I asked for help in diagnosing these issues have no reason to lie to me about it and they're not the trickster type.
  6. I was considering it just for the trolling potential troubleshooting issues, but the owners refuse to give me a copy.
  7. I think the most likely explanation is that it's a mix of things. General: Issue 1 seems to strongly depend on the preferences used. The lower they are, the more likely it is to happen, but I'm not sure if it has to do with aliasing, because there's this damn beach chair that always does this even if I'm on high. Issue 2 hard to reproduce because I have no control over other people's avatars, though I do have two friends that get all glitchy for me, but only in specific places. Doesn't seem tied to my system memory and it happens even after fully restarting my PC or viewer. It might have to do with transparent layers and alphas, because I notice this often happens with tattoos, ouchies and other body markings. There's always exceptions to this, which makes me even more confused. Issue 3 a glitchy piece of furniture is always glitchy regardless of viewer, system, setting. The weird thing is that on 1 out of the 4 computers I tested it on, those textures are never glitchy. That PC is ancient, so I don't understand how it's different. Either that, or I wasn't paying close enough attention. As far as rezzed objects go, I was redeemed a couple times when I asked the owners of the objects to rez one for me or give me a copy, only to be told that a few other people have also reported those glitches to them, so I am not alone. Issue 7: hasn't happened since I posted the screenshot, but when I took that screenshot, several other avatars' attachments in the area were doing the same. No idea what caused it. ssue 8: still happens, but it looks like the body parts of certain avatars are just being randomly derendered and rerendered over small distance changes like they were furniture on different LOD settings. Also not sure why it's doing this; it seems pretty random, happen whether there's other avatars rendered in the FOV or not. Viewer-dependent: Issue 4: I've only had it happen thrice on Firestorm so far. Hard to reproduce because glitchy people seem to have a knack for logging off or leaving the area just as I change viewers. Doesn't seem tied to memory. Issues 5 & 6: extreme texture stretching and the weird black with spotty pixels textures over everything are always accompanied by extremely high memory use FOR ME, like the viewer using 12gb of RAM in a place where it previously only used about 3-5gb. I first thought it could be due to some changes in the SL backend, because I am clearly not the only person experiencing that. I can also reliably reproduce these every single time on Firestorm just by logging into a second account. This has never happened in the last 3 years of using alts to test permissions with products and scripts. SL Viewer seems to be more random with this, and I've never had the issue with Black Dragon. The latter two viewers do warn that multiboxing may lead to corrupted cache and those issues, but it doesn't explain why it would happen on a fresh Windows install when running just one viewer. Note on 5: have been approached by some users with the same issues to ask me if I had found a solution to it, but when trying to reproduce the issue, they had even less memory than me, and neither their system memory use nor Firestorm's or SL Viewer's memory usage were very high when the issues occurred, even though the exact issues were happening to them Other suggested solutions: As for the suggestion to check my Internet connection... I'm sorry, it just comes across like the person suggesting it genuinely doesn't know the first thing about computers or how Second Life works. Here's a thought experiment: If you download a set of 10000 pictures 100 times, and it's always the same pictures acting funny every time, would you assume it's an issue with the download, or the picture in the download? Power issues might make more sense, but you'd expect it to be more general and tied to performance and load. As far as I can tell, the issues are just as likely to occur with nothing else running in the background as they are if I'm playing a game or running heavy background tasks. Other than the parts I couldn't reproduce, it's mostly the same issues, with the same objects; the glitchy body parts and furniture have similarities, even if I'm then scratching my head when I find a similar non-glitchy variant.
  8. I built a completely new PC with completely new everything. New motherboard. New PSU. New RAM. I switched from AMD to an Intel CPU and an Nvidia card. New M.2 SSD, new 2.5 inch SSD. Running on Windows 11 instead of 10 now. Guess what? The first 4 issues I mentioned... I'm still having them. The rest, dunno. They haven't happened. It's only been a couple days. At this point I feel like this is a commonly known issue and I am just being trolled into wasting money on new PC parts by people pretending that they're not having these issues. Alternatively it could be that it's just these places and objects that are cursed and exist in an eternal state of being simultaneously glitchy to some people and not glitchy to others and you don't know until the glitch starts happening to you what state it's in. Th͝ey͏ ͢d͡efy ̢a̧ll͜ l̀o̧gic̢ ąnd ҉e̸xp͏l͢ana͏tįo͞n.͝ ͘ Even with the settings completely reset to default, or set to the profiles of someone who is not having said glitches, they are present. I give up.
  9. It'll be hard now, since over the last 3 weeks I went through a long cycle of swapping parts (RAM, GPU, SSDs) out, trying out one combination after another. I tried to summarize all the hardware and software changes I made along the way, but I didn't really log what Windows 10 versions I was using besides the most recent one. I figure if the previous version and the absolutely first version I put on a thumb drive 7 years ago are having issues, it's probably something else. This is what I started with, and returned to after all the testing. https://pastebin.com/qtmZNB8J Other GPUs used: AMD's RX 6500 XT Other Radeon Drivers used: 17.7.1, 17.7.2, 22.11.2, 22.5.2, 22.11.2, 23.2.1 Replaced SSDs since I had some spare, also tried them individually. The RAM I tried replacing with some crappy 2x4gb 2400 MHz Crucial kit. Other Firestorm releases used: 6.6.3 (67470), 6.5.6 (66221)
  10. Reinstalled everything, wiped everything, replaced every component... AND I STILL GET THESE GLITCHES. Goddammit, it was Second Life just being *****ty, all along, as usual.
  11. Thank you for the suggestions. I recently replaced my modem, but have had these issues since before replacing it. There were some connection issues that forced me to replace it, but I figured a lot of the data is downloaded to your device, the same issues wouldn't occur with the same textures/objects every time. As for the RAM; yes. in the last 2 months I noticed absurdly high memory usage when running any SL viewer. Before, even the bustiest places never went above 7gb memory usage for me, but now even places with just a dozen people easily climb up to 10gb in a matter of minutes I have 16gb of RAM, so that causes all sorts of issues. However, I did reseat the modules and test with just one at a time, but I still had the glitches. Windows Memory Diagnostic didn't show any errors, and I would've run MEMTEST86, but for a good thorough test I'd need to leave my PC running and unattended for over 24 hrs, so I'm keeping it as a last resort.
  12. So lately I've been experiencing a number of glitches that happen to me on pretty much every viewer, from the Second Life Viewer, to Firestorm, to Black Dragon. These glitches vary. 1. Extra pixels around the edges of models. 2. Flashing body layers, either complete or partial. Oftentimes, the darkened, flashing part has individual pixels in it. (Warning: will start video download if your browser doesn't automatically play it) 3. Furniture with flashing layers, also with pixels, squares appearing inside it. 4. Whatever this is (another video) 5. A single avatar's textures stretching out across my entire screen in completely random directions 6. THE FOG IS COMING. Seems to only happen when the viewer brings my system's memory usage to 100%. 7. Clothes stretching when zooming out. 8. Avatars appearing broken after slightly moving camera, with only few faces of their body showing. So the tl;dr of all my attempted fixes boil down to: - Replacing every part of my PC that isn't the PSU, CPU or motherboard - Cleaning, reseating, checking connections, signs of damage to components, etc. - Trying different versions of the drivers on both my old and my new GPU - Reinstalling all viewers, clearing cache, saved data, etc. - Resetting my BIOS - TO DO: Probably fully reinstall Windows. I'm not even sure what I could even try at this point. It only happens in SL; haven't had anything like this in the games I play. Any ideas what might be causing it and what else I could try?
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