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  1. Hi Eddy Works like a charm. Really appreciate your help Does this deformer only work for Slink shoes, or other shoes too? Beanie
  2. Hi all I am currently using Legacy Classic's feet, in conjunction with their mesh body. I have a lovely pair of heels compatible only with Slink High Feet. However, they are 3cm off my mesh feet, and have no modify permissions. Since Slink mesh bodies aren't available now, are there external adapters, offsets or other ways for me to close the gap? Thank you. Beanie
  3. Issue has been resolved as of now. Thanks!
  4. Hi all I have 5 friends on SL. They are listed on my SL profile, even on Web. However, I can't seem to see any of them in my official SL viewer just today How can I resolve it? Thank you! Weeny Notes: 1. I know numerous bug reports have been filed regarding this issue. 2. I know engineers are looking into it. However, I'm not sure my issue and circumstances are similar 3. I have already subscribed to the status updates at https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/5rjh7k9wlvyj. 4. I used Firestorm Viewer about 2 days back, for a short while 5. I cleared the cache for both Firestorm Viewer and SL 6. I only have the official SL viewer on my Mac 7. All traces of Firestorm Viewer and corresponding library files have been purged 8. Only SL viewer files and its latest cache remains
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