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  1. Because they were not muscle exagerated, women were way more pretty, women body was more delicate, anyway, I like like they were, and I am on SL since 2009. Of course I did not mean to be "exactly" as they were. If any of you ever tried mesh avatars called Ruth, or Roth (for men), could observe they are very similar to old system avatars. And sure they need a lot of work, because face has some weird squares , but in my opinion, they look better than many famous blended heads. And of course, to use with old system skins. I dont understand the necessity to look "perfect", this "lookism" neurosis. Just that. If was not for the face animations, I would have never get a mesh head, and if it was not for the colthes don't fitting anymore, would never have a mesh body.
  2. I just hope they look like old system avatars, only with better appearance adjusts.
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