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jenna Fessbeinder

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Everything posted by jenna Fessbeinder

  1. Avatars seem to be suddenly rendering when they change their tag in large groups. Has anyone experienced this? Several avi's have said to me "let me change my tag" and boom they instantly render fully.
  2. i have to experiment with not checking "show avatars which have not finished loading." edit (answer myself): a lot of orange clouds since I have the clouds turned off in debug.
  3. I have noticed quite often when clubs have 80 avatars, that some avatars never seem to fully render. No one has really addressed this issue, and what causes some of them to seem to get "stuck" half rendered.
  4. My question was answered -- and I can use this thread as an answer in future. But it is interesting to see what others are using to visit second life. I feel better about my rig. And yes, I like old Flexie hair. It suits me.
  5. I try to go with the every 2 or 3 year mode of computer replacement. It almost seems like buy a new phone, computer, ebike every year is expected. lol
  6. Thanks Love and bigmoe, my question was of course a bit tongue in cheek, as bigmoe said "this is not a peer to peer system." But tonight I was more or less endlessly semi-insulted by someone who kept referring to my "old slow computer." It is a bit outdated, 3.2 GHz i7 6 core, with an external Radeon, but it does OK. I did respond to the "IT pro" in question, by saying "you do know none of what you are looking at is on my computer?" That did put a chill in the air. But still, I began to wonder if there was any relation to speed, other than my presence on the sim. I am a sometimes web consultant, but am a server maroon.
  7. Inevitably when I am in a super crowded club sim (80 avatars) someone will IM me and say "your shoes and hair are missing you need a new faster computer." The theory it would seem, is that my if my computer is slower than theirs, I am slowing them down -- if they can't see me, it is my fault for still running an i7. Now my understanding has always been nothing they see is on my computer, I am just providing SL with a list of things which others can look at. I am aware of course if my complexity is high, I will be harder to load, so my "list" should be small and efficient as possible. But still, my question -- if I enter a sim on SL does my computer care if everyone in the sim is on an ancient machine? Or in other words, "does my i7 slow your i9 down?
  8. I do think a new user could learn a lot by starting with Senra, rather than jumping into a 5000L body and 3000L head the first week. I did not realized that the nails would hide everything, and I am ancient. Learning something new from others is fun on SL for me.
  9. Thanks BlueMoonLightz -- easy approach, but none of the methods we have proposed would work with a new user. I can easily make a high level free avi using parts like Sweets or Lucybody with one of the 6 free lelutka heads I have gathered. I know where to find free EvoX skin, and free Stealthic or Tram hair. Erika is amazing for 50L. But a new user usually has trouble turning on BoM or ordering layers. I watch the groups like Genus a lot, the confusion is amazing. Even finding and making a copy of Senra is not obvious to many. Easy to make colored nails! I like red.
  10. I posted my way mostly because it is dead simple, and works in Firestorm.
  11. I gave up I kept ending up with the gray nails.
  12. If you want to wear high heel boots and hide your feet, you will need to hide your Senra nails. They are there even if not painted, as gray nails. Make a copy of your Senra body, and hide your feet with an alpha. Then select your nails as a "face "in Edit, and make them transparent. You can then still color your fingernails, but the toenails are gone. Ta da....
  13. These days with so much free stuff in SL I can easily build no compromise avatar for free, based on one of the many free heads which appear every so often. Many stores offer beautiful free gifts year round. But making a free avi takes a lot of knowledge about how SL works. Senra just works right away -- just watch the video. A Lelutka, Lucybody, Tram, etc avatar can however be amazing for free.
  14. All free stuff, from MP, or group in-world. Izzie's makeup, Stealthic hair.
  15. KHARA BODY PILL ON OFF HUD (it lets you hide the Pill inside the chest) What does this mean?
  16. "Reset" for display names, seems to be gone from the SL viewer an Firestorm. Does anyone know if it has been moved to a location I can't find?
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