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Everything posted by halleyyyy

  1. I did the referenced post about the M3 Max Macbook SL performance. For what its worth, PBR hasn't hurt performance, in fact it looks like I'm getting more frames now. I haven't tested it in any thorough way or anything, just notice I'm often at noticeably higher FPS than I used to be, and this is with every setting literally maxed.
  2. Ok one more thing lol... I just did the same test on my desktop, which has a Ryzen 9 5900x, Nvidia 3080 12GB, 128 GB of 3600 RAM (lol), and Samsung 980 for the NVMe that Firestorm is running from. In the skybox its 20% better than my MBP, but at Muddy's I was able to get low 20s FPS in that crowd at least at times, so like 100% better: PC Desktop - Skybox PC Desktop - Muddy's
  3. Here is with HiDPI off but otherwise ultra settings: Skybox Ground So a 60% bump with it off in the skybox and 25% bump on the ground. And then back to Muddy's on Mid settings (10-14 FPS instead of 6): Muddy's mid settings
  4. I realize I should have included more info. On the max non-imposters that was set to 16, but more importantly I'm running it on the HiDPI setting on a 4k monitor. So if someone was on 1080 or 1440 it would be even better. Hardware Settings tab Rendering tab I probably wasn't clear but what I had in mind with this post was helping answer if the upgrade is worth it from M1 Max to M3 Max, and just based on SL performance I'd say no, the GPU gains are less in SL than I've seen in other things. And yeah big list of reasons for that! But I should also be clear I think its actually not worth it to fire up my desktop when I want to use SL, because I think the M1 Max and M3 Max MBPs are actually really good with SL, and so much better at everything else I do on a computer.
  5. I should add though that even though I think its a bad purchase as far as cost to performance if SL is a significant reason for buying a computer (or you have a big Steam library you want to use), its otherwise easily the best computer I've ever used and my reasonably powered desktop feels archaic and backwards in comparison. It beats my desktop in most benchmarks, apps open instantly like they were already open in the background, and it pulls like 30 watts out of my wall to accomplish all this instead of hundreds. If something is optimized for ARM and Metal it runs as well as or better than the Windows version on a higher end desktop. But yeah SL is still jank on Macs by comparison. But personally its more than usable and doesn't feel worth firing up my loud desktop just for a little extra smoothness most of the time.
  6. Hello! I know this has been discussed elsewhere but wanted to do a quick demo of Firestorm running on my M3 Max 40c MBP for those considering getting one. This is the sort of post I would have loved to see if I was making this decision based on SL performance. IMO, if the motivation for an upgrade is entirely or mostly SL related its probably not worth it coming from M1 Max or higher; I think the bump is maybe 25-30% in the best case scenarios, basically none in others, but here are the gyazo clips (settings are ultra and appear on the front of most of these): Empty platform in the sky (gyazo) My skybox home with just me Build on the ground with a few bots nearby WelcomeHub with around a dozen ppl Very crowded Muddy's Music Cafe I haven't tested it on my M3 but crowds were manageable on mid or high settings on my M1 Max, but wanted to demo in Ultra on all the videos (and my desktop would do fine in crowds on Ultra with a 5900x CPU and 3080 GPU). Hope this helps someone!
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