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  1. You're misunderstanding! I'd rather pay someone to make the shape for me, then send it to me. Thanks again for your knowledge but, not what I am looking for! I've gotten shapes made before, just need someone new to do it.
  2. Thanks! But I'd rather just pay someone to do that for me.
  3. Yep! Honestly all that is too much headache for me, I'd rather just pay someone to do it for me as I'm not good with stuff like this. I appreciate you pointing that out, but the tallest I can get it is about 7ish feet, and I'd rather not spend money on deformers only to ***** it up. Thanks though!
  4. Title says it all, I am looking to hire someone to make me a 8 1/2 - 9~ feet tall shape for this body and head combination, I can send you the shape I currently use so you can keep the head as is; as I just need it to reach that height for my Character! Message me in world if you are interested.
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