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Everything posted by IbNuckinFutz

  1. This is way more complicated than it should be! Nothing I am posting should not be as confusing as you are all making it out to be. Especially if you are all seasoned second lifers. I don't know why I'm getting the third degree and scrutinized by everyone for everything that I've posted. It seems no matter where show me this posted there is always confutation, controversy, and skepticism from the cognoscenti. I just want to delete this forum post, because so far what I've gathered from everybody's answers is that people getting along just fine with finding groups and that I am what I'm trying to do is completely unnecessary and not worth the effort. So if the all knowing gurus of Second Life would please tell me how to delete my forum post, I 'll than obliged to do so.
  2. What I'm referring to when I say groups generalization of categories of interest go to list it and beneath those are the subcategory niches of said category that offers teleports to certain groups.
  3. Not according to my research bud. I don't know what information your referencing, but I am referring to actual gathered answers from individuals that I talked to on various different regions/ groups. And according to the people I talk to they stated that they hardly ever use the search engine toolbar to find anything let alone groups or regions, instead they just use the destinations tab in the main menu in their SL viewer.
  4. If one was looking for more specific group niches, then they would indeed be able to find a group. But for more generalized groups they can be found in SL viewer in the main menus destinations tab.
  5. I get that and I know about that already. Yet that's only found under the main destinations guide on the main website itself and most don't actually go there to search for groups as gathered from surveying multiple Avatar/ individuals in Second Life. I was hoping that somebody in Second Life I would add that particular category newly add a groups as an additional category under the destinations menu.
  6. Yes that is correct that as the main one that most everybody uses. And as I said repeatedly, from my research of talking to numerous avatars according to them they do not use the search engine Toolbar to find groups or destinations they use the top menu destinations tab to find groups or locations to go to. Though there is a handful people that actually go about searching for groups and locations using said toolbar search engine. Such as myself hints how I found other groups outside of the cherry picked destinations found under the main menu.
  7. And I made it clear that I understand that is exactly what the toolbar search engine. But what isn't being understood that I've said is that NOT everybody uses sad toolbar search engine to find groups or whatever they're looking for. Most just use the general I'd destinations tab found within the "World" tab.
  8. Well that's the general idea behind what I'm trying to do; to figure out a way to promote newly added destinations or those that are wanting to be more in the Limelight so to speak. I've talked to the concierge services and they are sending me contact information for somebody/ a department in second life so I can contact them to discuss a possible solution to do as such.
  9. Duhhhhhhh. I don't know why this is so complicated to understand from one perspective to another. If you already knew what I was referring to then why do you persist on catechizing me. I mean it seems like you're just just trying to provoke me into some sort of ensnarement of trying to make me come off as some sort of dunderhead. And honestly I don't appreciate it nor am I going to indulge you and try to make me out to be the schlepper any more.
  10. And that is the search engine which can generally specifically narrow down your search of what you're looking for i.e. groups, people, shopping, events Etc. But what I am referring to is directly found within the top part of the viewer itself and not the magnifying search part. For god sakes I mean how can people who have been on second life forever today not know about the destinations part within the viewer!?
  11. Unfortunately I'm not able to share images for some reason I haven't figured out why on here but no that is be magnifying glass looking thing you're talkin about I'm referring to the top of the SL viewer where one will find "Avatar - Comm - World - Build- Content - Help" and if you click on the tablet says World scroll down past Resync Animations - Nearby Avatar - Radar - Teleport History - Places and finally Destinations. If it click that one one will discover what I aforementioned previously.
  12. And I plan on doing that but before doing so I'm conducting research. That way I have an general understanding as to whether my idea would be beneficial usefully helpful or not. I mean who knows one way the other if it will will not be. Cause after any idea or venture is just a blind shot in the dark guessing whether it's going to work or not. At least that's my opinion of the matter.
  13. So most every Second Life viewer has a destinations tab within the main part of the viewer under the WORLD tab, where a person can find Second Life destinations readily easily e.g. What's Hot Now, Newcomer Friendly, Editor's Pick and so on and so forth.
  14. I would share with you my screen pictures about how I use dark theme reader as well but I can't so. How nugatory it is that I am uninteresting to single person or perhaps even more than that....
  15. Well if your dark theme is on then switch it off or adjust the settings and you can what has been written a better better. Perhaps it was A SL fluke. Cause I don't know how that happened on your end because it didn't post like that on my end.
  16. Well I too am an old fogie as well. And if your dark theme is on then switch it off or adjust the settings and you can what has been written a better better.
  17. First of all yes I don't contend nor disagree that there are numerous resources that exist and can be found within Second Life. Yet the point I'm trying to make is not all known such resources and information is widely known by every avatar/individual in Second Life. Also on top of that as I've also pointed out people who have their groups or regions which are either relatively new to Second Life are they able to get the word of mouth out because of lack of friends or not knowing the resource to do a search and most importantly not been able to be recognized in the Second Life's viewer Destination search and I am not referring to the destinations guide. We're undoubtedly if one does enough rooting around they'll eventually find a particular group they're looking for. Or more simpler we're doing it is if they type it in they're also find it quicker. Yet from my research talking to a lot of different people in different areas and regions and groups most people don't do go to the search icon to look for groups they just click on Second Life's viewer Destination tab. And unless you got a rather extensive friends list word-of-mouth isn't exactly going to help anybody either in promoting their own group.
  18. So Rowan Amore what you essentially saying is; It ain't worth the effort or wouldn't be worth the effort... Simply for the reason that every Second Life avatar/individual uses this forum or the group that they are part of or word-of-mouth to ask and find things as well as promote themselves? Furthermore, you're also including all non-paid member and all those who may not be computer tech savvy literate, correct? 🤨 If that is actually the case, then I guess that's something to take into consideration in the overall end of my research. But until then I shall see what other replies and/or answers which may or may not contradict or oppose or even give a different perspective about my inquiry. Though I do appreciate your responsive perspective on the matter. By the way, I have no clue what you meant by 'you appreciate me not posting in black'.
  19. Charlotte Bartlett: Jokingly aside as you may have been, I didn't find it remotely jocular. Nevertheless, I shall be straightforward with explaining the reason why I'm wanting to start up a duality services of marketing promotion and finding things. I want to start off by first saying, that I can curve that there might be those who use mainstream marketing tactics such like Facebook and/or their own personal websites or word of mouth or whatever. But perhaps for most who may or may not be computer illiterate or tech savvy trying to do such a search for particular SL services might be somewhat vexatiously tedious to the point of frustration, especially when they may not have the best of patience to do as such. I'll use myself as in two examples; So some time ago I went about searching for things on the marketplace for my avatar and/or my region, overtime it became frustrating to try to find what I was looking for, though overtime I was able to find what it is I was looking for prior. Another example is when I was trying to find a landscaper to assist with terraforming my new region, due to personal reasons I didn't really want to as such, yet I wound up doing it myself anyhow. Why? Well simply because I couldn't find a landscaper to assist me. Even with the aid of using the knowledge base resource link (which was sent to me by a Linden). In the knowledge base it has listings of actively responsive specialist, including landscapers and other specialists. Yet when I reached out to said landscaper never message me back. So little too no avail was the knowledge base resource link helpful whatsoever, at least in that particular case. Another example has nothing to do with me at all, but rather a friend of mine on second life. He was trying to find a particular type of bumper boat that had a water cannon mounted to it, for the like of him he couldn't find one and was very annoyed he couldn't find such a particular item, yet after some searching I was able to find him that particular item. Therefore since I'm really adept at finding almost anything, I'd like to offer my talent for those who are needing it. And the reason I so desire to promote/market searching groups is because there are an insurmountable number of groups and regions within the Second Life's Destinations Directory, yet too many to count are not as prevalent or known about by most second lifers simply for the fact that the SL viewers Destinations 'What's Hot Now' or 'Editors Pick' seem not promote newer groups or lesser known groups as often as they do other certain groups. Hypothetically, those who are wanting to be more than just participating avatars and have the desire to start up a group or of their own, may get discouraged and lose interest in doing their group because they don't get the same attention/traffic as other groups that are frequently in the SL viewers Destinations 'What's Hot Now' or 'Editors Pick' limelight. Therefore, I'd like to give the old College try to help find a way to promote either or both up and coming and/or even already established groups which aren't as well known, in the hopes that those groups become more known about and gain some notoriety. On another note I'd like to thank Quistess Alpha for her comment(s). Also I appreciate the remark made by both Qie Niangao and LittleSparrow Skydancer. LittleSparrow Skydancer, since I am also a person who is somewhat visually impaired with digital online viewing, I thought it'd be best to make the font as large and as visible as possible in case those who doesn't know about the additional accessibility viewing options.
  20. 1st? Has anybody within the Second Life community heard of or know of a group, a person or people that specialize in not only marketing and promoting up and coming new/current groups/regions. 2nd? anybody within the Second Life community heard of or know of a group, a person or people that specializing in assisting others in finding certain items on items and/or Second Life resources (landscapers, interior designers, DJS and so on and so forth)? Another reason I'm asking isn't specifically because I am looking promotional marketing or needing help finding things. It is primarily because before starting up a Second Life company that would specialized in a combination of both types of usefulness and I'd like to know if there is something like that what I'm wanting to start up already exists with in Second Life.
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