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Miguel Rowley

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Posts posted by Miguel Rowley

  1. 52 minutes ago, norajulian said:

    My thoughts: why have a message to submit favorite names if you aren’t going to choose from those? 

    I have a hard time believing that anyone suggested Philbert, Hogwood, or half the names up there right now. 

    I'm surprised that you were even able to think of a valid Last Name to suggest, all the names that I wanted to suggest were old names after checking the old Last Names page.

    I think this limitation really has an effect on why we have the current last names in the way that they are, because the Old Last Names already have a huge group which we aren't allowed to pick.

    In the end, I really hope that the reason of this decision isn't a technical limitation and they consider to bring them back for selection.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I can accept that you might think a post is dumb, but a post has no IQ. A post is just words. Only a person can have an IQ, so by referring to a post as "low IQ", you're actually saying it's a post made by a person with a low IQ.

    This is similar to my housemate saying that she thinks SL is delusional. Only a person can be delusional, so what that statement is really saying is either that SL is full delusional people or that anyone enjoying a virtual platform is delusional.

    Words have mutually accepted meanings. Connotations have meanings too, even if they might be a bit more fuzzy than the explicit dictionary definitions of words.

    I've seen a lot of people calling statements "low IQ" as another form to say that the statement was dumb, that's why I used these 2 forms to begin with it, to "reinforce" that idea, and also, if you see my post about it, I think it's clear that the "low IQ" was directed to the statements itself, and not the actual person.

    However, I do see your point on why people can think that, so I guess I can refrain saying that to avoid confusion.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, skepwith said:

    But that's not what you said. Here's what you said:

    I mean, I know you can't see it, so I'm not going to step through it, but lmao

    Well, In my point of view, I just explained it on a better detail why do I think slander statements like I was mentioning are dumb,

    But if you think I made a mistake or I was "mean" like you said be free to explain that better to me then.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, skepwith said:

    You're the one who threw a bunch of aggressive, attacking statements out there and then complained how we can't have friendly discussion. You are actively inciting people to not have friendly discussions with you. You are completely unselfaware and that is extremely hilarious to me.

    Me saying that statements of people who attack other persons characters because they have different points of views than them "dumb" and explaining why it's dumb  "bunch of aggressive, attacking statements"?

    Talk about unselfaware.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    How is calling someone's post "dumb" and "low IQ" because their view is different from yours, not also an AD Hominem attack?

    Because I'm not calling the person itself "dumb" and "low IQ", I'm calling their slander statements dumb, and I explained why they are dumb.

    You can't just put different points of view in the same bag. If someone has a different point of view, even if I heavily disagree with it, i'll still respect it because I believe in free of speech, however when you start attacking a person's character by calling them "cancel culture" names with no actual evidence, that's not showing "different points of views", that's just straight slander.

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