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Everything posted by PhilippPhoenix

  1. No, that didn't help. I have tried my home, the last location and also your Furball. Nothing worked. Interestingly, it helped to switch off VPN. I hope that works now continually. (I remember that shortly before I had that failure for the first time, VPN broke down for a few seconds, before it was reinstalled again. So maybe the reason for the login failure lies there.)
  2. Hello, I have a login issue that others seem to have had before: 'Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong ... etc.' I've changed my password already (and unnecessarily so it seems), I have reset my modem, restarted my computer ... nothing works. I can very well login at the website, see my account there, see who of my friends are online etc. But I cannot login to the game, neither via Firestorm (newest version), nor via SecondLife Viewer (also newest version). I am not an IT-expert. Any help would be appreciated, but please, I would love help that a 'normal human being' can understand. 🙂 Best regards PhilippPhoenix
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