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  1. Diamond, I had typed the music URL in that field and may have made a typing mistake. This time I did a copy and paste from one of my Alts's Abiout Land and it works now. So, all my issues are now solved. Thank you very much to all of you, guys.
  2. Thank you so much Elena, Diamond and Quartz. I have found that indoor control panel which I had not noticed and added my alts to the access list. My alts can now open the house dorrs and issue number one is solved. Thank you very much again for your kind help.
  3. Thank you so much Elena, Diamond and Quartz. I have found that indoor control panel which I had not noticed and added ma
  4. Thank you so much for your answer, Elena I found the control panel outside, got the LH - Chalet Content Creation Pack from which I loaded the LH Security System to grant my Alts access to my house and both could come in. I also set my About Land just like your picture shows. As a result of these, issues number 2 and 3 are solved. I ,am still left with issues 1 and 4. You say "Set the parcel to your land group" Sorry if I sound dumb, but what is my land group and how do I set my parcel to it ? Thank you again for your kindness.
  5. Hello there, I have an SL Premium Membership acoount, which I took yesterday, and with it, I chose the Broadfern Bellisseria Chalet (1024). Then from Market PLace I bought the Mint Gadgets - Birdie Security System. With the latter, I declared my two Alts, TracyCromwell Resident and MelanieLenoir Resident as Managers of my parcel and I gave them both permissions to edit my Objects. Both also have the permissions to rezz objects in my house, from the "About Land/Options - Build Everyone" which I checked. I find myself with the four following issues : 1 - Neither of my Alts can click my house doors to open and close them, which is not logical. People, whether my alts or not, whom I grant access to my house, should be able to walk around, open every door and and enter any room. 2 - Tracy rezzed the "::R:a:W:A:g:e:: Shower", which she owns, and Melanie rezzed the "[Ruckus] Do The Things V2" bed, which she oowns as well. The three of us can edit those objects, but none of us can use them : left-clicking on them does not work, no menu, nothing at all and the shower glass doors cannot even be opened. On the other hand, I, Sorline, the parcel owner, rezzed the "[AF] Good Hospitality Bed' and this one works for the three of us. 3 - Tracy and Melanie cannot operate their body parts and outfits huds when in my house. For example, their genital huds simply don't work, left-clicking on them has no effect at all. 4 - I cannot have sound in my house. The music note toggle that is on the screen upper left right does not work. Tracy and Melanie also have a Premium Membership Account, with which they also got their Linden homes, which were available at the time after joining SL. Those were the old homes, different to the house that I, Sorline, just got. In those older homes though, none of the above issues existed, absolutely everything was working perfectly. I have no idea of what is wrong. Is it the new home ? Is it the Security Orb ? Am I doing something wrong ? But I sure hope you can help fix these problems. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. Regards, Sorline.
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