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  1. Rowan i tried both. it was dark out at 7am sl time and is still dark out at 1259 pm sl time and will be dark out at 5pm sl time. everything says im usin shared environment. it just seems anywhere i go thats linden land is dark all the time, i reset personal lighting but nothing changes
  2. Hi thank you, yes i know people can set the environment on their lands, but im referring to linden public land like, main roads ect... its always dark no matter what time, and i think i have some sort of "personal lighting" set that way on accident and i dont know how to reset it or remove it.
  3. when i go out onto the linden road with my settings on shared experience it seems like everything is backwards. if i set it to "sunrise" i can see the sun on the horizon over the sea, then i switch to shared experience, and the moon appears where the sun is. and it turns dark out. in fact, no matter what time i log in sl its always dark out. the moon rises over and over and i cant figure out how to make it just normal to whatever LL has it set to. im sendin a link to a pic at around 8am sl time this is pretty much how it always is when im on linden land using shared experience. i really miss the old feature where u could see the sun position ect... https://imgur.com/a/mc0nUwm
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