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Everything posted by Aceedia

  1. I've enabled BOM within the Maitreya HUD and removed the aplha like you said (the only one in the folder) but it's still not showing up at all, I just have no body instead then lol.
  2. Nothing I'm doing is working. Thank you for your help though!
  3. 'Maitreya Lara body: Maitreya has opted to keep the ‘onion skin’ layers (in the form of additional wearable objects) and is using a BOM relay. You can use any other appliers on top of this (as well as layering system stuff beneath), but you cannot use a skin applier. If you use a skin applier then—since the BOM relay is a skin applier in its own right—you will simply replace the BOM ‘bake’ textures on your body and BOM capability will stop.' I was reading through the website you just sent. Does this mean I won't be able to use it with my body? and yes BOM is turned on with both my head and body.
  4. Yes, when I open the folder it lists all the body types and Maitreya is definitely there. All the icons next to them is a little person though? I don't know if that helps lol.
  5. Hi, I've just bought the lel evo x Sagittarius skin and also the Pepe skin - toned (which I assumed was the body applier) but it doesn't seem to work. It all works for my face and looks amazing but the body not so much it doesn't even do anything when I add/wear it. My body is Maitreya and my head is evo x, If anyone could help that would be great!
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