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Everything posted by Raveneyess

  1. G rated roadside property for sale. Keep all items or can return all/some items. 1,200 asking price . I have showing property lines in pic http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fourman/234/235/42
  2. Piece of mainland with quiet neighbors. Side by side Neighbors been there for over a year. Behind is abandon land. Next to the roadside. Welcome to keep items wish keep some or return all. Showing property lines http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glaisher/182/154/54
  3. Piece of mainland with quiet neighbors. Side by side Neighbors been there for over a year. Behind is abandon land. Next to the roadside. Welcome to keep items wish keep some or return all. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glaisher/182/154/54
  4. Next to protected roadside http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/November/181/245/83
  5. Roadside land. L shape. 1,775 for 1024. Welcome to keep items *not sold with* or can return some or all to me. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drinker/204/7/82
  6. 2,000 for 1024. May use items (not sold with land) or can return some or all. May want to keep sand platform for something to have on water if needed. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remonta/176/10/21
  7. Roadside land. L shape. 2,000 for 1024. Welcome to keep items *not sold with* or can return some or all to me. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drinker/204/7/82
  8. Hi. Water Parcel up for sale. 3,000 lindens for 1024. Items are not for sale but welcome to use or return to me and the previous owner. May want to keep sand platform if you need something for above water. Thanks for looking. Quiet area and had no problems. Just click land upper left corner of screen if dont know. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remonta/176/10/21
  9. L- Shape Land. 1,4000 Lindens. Quiet, no lag, and next to road. Route 3.5 Moderate. There is little plots that isnt part of land, but its skyboxes above and not actual neighbors. Use show more to see property lines. httphttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drinker/185/10/82://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drinker/185/10/82
  10. Thank you for great water parcel and furniture!
  11. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Billydale/108/20/51
  12. For sale 1024 /351 . quiet. Square type parcel.
  13. 1024m 351 Prims. No lag and quiet. Asking for 900L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Billydale/108/20/51
  14. 1024m Square shape. Picture shows the boundary lines. Lag free $1200 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Billydale/108/20/51
  15. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  16. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  17. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  18. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  19. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  20. Huge grass land. Very quiet and open land. Close to Wellington Road. I experienced no lag at this location. To view borders can click land or change settings under world>show more>Property lines. To buy the land, just right click on land or click land on upper left corner. Thank you for looking. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tieut/53/83/71
  21. L shape grass land. 1024, prims is 351. Next to Route 9. Asking $500 . Quiet neighborhood. General. Good place for a shop or family house. To show exact property lines. Go to world,> Show more> property lines. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taean/13/119/66
  22. L shape grass land. 1024, prims is 351. Next to Route 9. Asking $999 . Quiet neighborhood. General. Good place for a shop or family house. To show exact property lines. Go to world,> Show more> property lines. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taean/13/119/66
  23. L shape grass land. 1024, prims is 351. Next to Route 9. Asking 1,225. Quiet neighborhood. General. Good place for a shop or family house. To show exact property lines. Go to world,> Show more> property lines. There is more land behind the neighbors sign (Ice age) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taean/13/119/66
  24. May return items. upper left corner click on land to buy. Thanks. If any questions regarding land. May send notecard. Ty! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quiricosta/21/75/81
  25. Land for sale. Can Keep or return fence. Asking $1500 for 1280 , 439 prims. May keep or return items http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Smaug/16/122/37
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