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Sophie Pancake

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  1. I'm trying to make a smartbot script to put in a vendor and when it gets paid it instant messages the person with a message. I used the example lsl on the smartbot website and it sets up fine but it's not instant messaging... i think i'm close to what i'm trying to do if anyone can take a look for me? I think it's something with the end part but maybe i'm wrong... I replaced the bot name and etc with ***** for privacy /////////// SMARTBOTS TOTALCONTROL /////////////// // Library docs: // // mysmartbots.com/dev/docs/TotalControl // // // Setup and startup // integer BOT_SETUP_SETBOT = 280101; // integer BOT_STATUS_QUERY = 280106; // integer BOT_RESET_TOTALCONTROL = 9997770; // // // Bot Status // integer BOT_LOGIN = 280111; // integer BOT_LOGOUT = 280112; // integer BOT_LOCATION = 290232; // // // Device Settings // integer BOT_SETUP_SETOPTIONS = 280104; // integer BOT_SETUP_DEVICENAME = 280103; // integer BOT_SETUP_DEBUG = 280105; // integer BOT_SETUP_SETLINK = 280102; // // // Communication commands // integer BOT_SAY_CHAT = 280121; // integer BOT_INSTANT_MESSAGE = 280122; // integer BOT_SAY_GROUP_CHAT = 280123; // integer BOT_SEND_NOTICE = 280124; // integer BOT_OFFER_TELEPORT = 290226; // integer BOT_LISTEN_LOCAL_CHAT = 280125; // integer BOT_LISTEN_IM = 280126; // // // Movement // integer BOT_WALK = 280131; // integer BOT_WALKTO = 280132; // integer BOT_TELEPORT = 280133; // integer BOT_FLY = 280134; // integer BOT_SIT = 290214; // integer BOT_STAND = 290217; // // // Group Management // integer BOT_LIST_GROUPS = 280144; // integer BOT_LIST_GROUP_ROLES = 290227; // integer BOT_GROUP_JOIN = 280145; // integer BOT_GROUP_LEAVE = 280146; // integer BOT_ACTIVATE_GROUP = 290215; // integer BOT_GROUP_SET_ROLE = 290228; // integer BOT_GROUP_INVITE = 280156; // integer BOT_GROUP_EJECT = 280157; // integer BOT_SELECT_GROUP_TAG = 290216; // // // Friendship // integer BOT_OFFER_FRIENDSHIP = 280147; // integer BOT_UNFRIEND = 280160; // integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_CAN_EDIT = 290229; // integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_SEE_ONLINE = 290230; // integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_SEE_ON_MAP = 290231; // // // Money and Inventory // integer BOT_LISTEN_INVENTORY_OFFER = 280141; // integer BOT_LISTEN_MONEY_PAYMENTS = 280142; // integer BOT_GIVE_INVENTORY = 280150; // integer BOT_GIVE_MONEY = 280151; // integer BOT_GIVE_MONEY_OBJECT = 290225; // integer BOT_GET_BALANCE = 280152; // integer BOT_INVENTORY_DELETE = 290234; // integer BOT_NOTECARD_CREATE = 290235; // integer BOT_NOTECARD_EDIT = 290236; // integer BOT_NOTECARD_READ = 290237; // // // Bot Appearance // integer BOT_WEAR = 280155; // integer BOT_TAKEOFF = 290223; // integer BOT_REBAKE = 290222; // integer BOT_ATTACHMENTS = 280153; // // // Sim Management // integer BOT_SIM_RESTART_START = 280158; // integer BOT_SIM_RESTART_STOP = 280159; // integer BOT_SIM_SEND_MESSAGE = 290218; // integer BOT_SIM_KICK = 290219; // integer BOT_SIM_ACCESS = 290220; // integer BOT_SIM_ACCESS_ALL_ESTATES = 290221; // // // Misc. commands // integer BOT_LISTEN_DIALOG = 280143; // integer BOT_TOUCH_OBJECT = 280148; // integer BOT_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT = 280149; // integer BOT_DIALOG_REPLY = 280154; // // // EVENTS // integer BOT_SETUP_SUCCESS = 280201; // integer BOT_SETUP_FAILED = 280202; // integer BOT_COMMAND_FAILED = 280203; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_LOCAL_CHAT = 280204; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_IM = 280205; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_INVENTORY = 280206; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_MONEY = 280207; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_SUCCESS = 280208; // integer BOT_EVENT_STATUS_REPLY = 280209; // integer BOT_LIST_GROUPS_REPLY = 280210; // integer BOT_LIST_GROUP_ROLES_REPLY = 290224; // integer BOT_GET_BALANCE_REPLY = 280211; // integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_DIALOG = 280212; // integer BOT_ATTACHMENTS_REPLY = 280213; // integer BOT_LOCATION_REPLY = 290233; // integer BOT_NOTECARD_READ_REPLY = 290238; // integer BOT_NOTECARD_CREATE_REPLY = 290238; // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Payment Inventory giver example //////////////////////////////////////////////////// string deviceName = "**********"; string botName = "**********"; string botCode = "***********"; string paymentAmount = "1"; string errorMessage = "You paid me the wrong amount!"; string successMessage = "blah blah"; default { state_entry() { // Setup Device llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, BOT_SETUP_DEVICENAME, deviceName, llGetOwner()); // Setup Bot llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,BOT_SETUP_SETBOT,botName,botCode); } link_message( integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id ) { /////////////////// Bot setup success event if(num==BOT_SETUP_SUCCESS) { // We added our bot fine llOwnerSay("Successfully setup bot: " + str); // Request listen to payments llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, BOT_LISTEN_MONEY_PAYMENTS, "", ""); } else if(num==BOT_SETUP_FAILED) { // We split the string parameter to the lines list parts=llParseString2List(str,["\n"],[]); // The first line is a status code, and second line is the bot expiration date string code=llList2String(parts,0); string expires=llList2String(parts,1); // Setup failed somehow llOwnerSay("AdminBot bot setup failed:\n"+ "error code: "+code+"\n"+ "expired: "+expires); } else if(num==BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_SUCCESS) { // We are ready! llOwnerSay("************"); } else if(num==BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_MONEY) { // Woo we got paid! Check if they paid the right amount if(str != paymentAmount) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, BOT_INSTANT_MESSAGE, errorMessage, id); } else { // Otherwise send the item llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,BOT_INSTANT_MESSAGE, successMessage, llDetectedKey(0)); } } } }
  2. Hi! I'm interested in helping if you haven't had it made already? Sophie Pancake in world or Rozilynn#3837 on discord!
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