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Everything posted by Sindaera

  1. I left my SL page open and went to bed, my headphones were accidently left partially on my keyboard and was pressing one of the function keys, I think it was probably a "Refresh" function... woke up to a blinking "Access Denied" screen, discovered the headphones and removed them from the keyboard, but could only get "Access Denied" , could not research more as I had to go to work, after work the page worked and I was able to log into SL, but now, the next day, the page is back to "Access Denied" plus I am no longer able to login to SL. My guess is that I may have triggered a protection function with my accident, I would submit a ticket but that page results in another "Access Denied", so I am posting here. EDIT/Update After further research, it is probable that SL/Linden cannot do anything about this issue, my current IP address is listed as Bad Risk after the headphone accident and was mistaken for an intentional DoS attack, which is understandable. My current options, as I understand them, is to get another IP address, which is more difficult than it would seem, or possibly use a VPN which would slow my connection to a degree, or wait until the risk score clears, which can take days or months. Hope this helps anyone having similar issues.
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