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  1. @Salt PeppermintSeems like the issue was Maya because a load of stuff stopped working that was fine when I reloaded an earlier save version so either I did something stupid or Maya did and honestly that's always a 50/50 toss up XD I was using black and white because I was scared to mess with options too much so being able to use the colours now will still be helpful though ❤️ LT seems to be the indie version - That's about how much I'm paying in GBP and I don't see another option in my searches at the moment.
  2. @StarlanderGoodsThat all seems to make sense. It'll be a while until I can test it because the mesh dress I was working on WAS playing ok with the rigging stuff and has at some point decided to stop moving with the body while I was cleaning up the shape and won't let me bind it again so it'll have to wait until I can make a new mesh I guess but that all seems really clearly explained so I imagine once I get things working again it will be super helpful. Thank you so much
  3. Right, sorry. So I'm pretty confident in the modeling itself, it's the things like bones and weighting that I don't get. Like if I had to make a dress for a mannequin I'd be fine the issue if making it actually work with a mesh body in SL. So I think it would probably all come under rigging stuff? I'm not sure if that's exactly right but I'm looking to make the jump from solid models to stuff that actually behaves like clothing and won't clip the moment people move. As an aside to that I probably need to understand how Devkits etc work, I'm sorta plodding through based on what I can work out from tutorials that are already past the stage of 'This is what you're doing' because the only one I've found so far that goes through the startup thing was on blender and was talking about multiple programmes I'd never heard of. I hope that helps ❤️
  4. Oh my gods that's actually the video I've been trying to work from 😂 You're my hero I'm having such a hard time finding anything for Maya you've been a lifesaver. Actually while I've got you I have been having an issue making the texture paint thing you use actually run on LT 2020 - Any off the top of your head ideas? I accidentally flooded it all white and haven't been able to undo. I was SO close to messaging you on YT to ask for help but the video is so old now that I figured it would be rude
  5. Oh my gods that's actually the video I've been trying to work from 😂 You're my hero I'm having such a hard time finding anything for Maya you've been a lifesaver. Actually while I've got you I have been having an issue making the texture paint thing you use actually run on LT 2020 - Any off the top of your head ideas? I accidentally flooded it all white and haven't been able to undo. I was SO close to messaging you on YT to ask for help but the video is so old now that I figured it would be rude
  6. Thank you SO much. This looks much more like something that might function now XD
  7. Thanks but I'm really looking for Maya. I opened up the Kemono dev kit and I have no idea what I'm looking at, it's nothing like the tutorial I saw (which was I think Maitreya)
  8. Firstly I wanna say I'm really sorry, I'm sure this has been covered a thousand times in a hundred different ways but I'm not hitting the right search keywords to find what I'm looking for. I want to try to get into making mesh clothing but I don't know how to make it adjust with body sliders, or anything about the 'weight' stuff people keep talking about when I find related guides. I have Maya LT* and I know how to do basic modelling on it but only static mesh stuff. (And I would be texturing on Substance Painter ideally if that's relevent) Can anyone direct me to some resources (or explain if they can) where to even *start* with this? I know it has something to do with DevKits (?) Most tutorials I can find are either 'First I'm going to show you how to make a box' or 'Now as you know [words I have literally never heard]' and I'm struggling to find anything between the two. * I know a lot of people would recommend blender but I'm learning Maya as part of a course and so I'd rather master one program than half-know two if possible
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