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  1. This age old nut cracker raises its ugly head every few years in SL and I get pretty upset when I hear musicians attacking musicians. The term musician is a very wide term. Amongst them you have instrumentalist, vocalists and a wide variety of in betweeners. I don't play a instrument, I wish I could, but that's life. Yet I have spent thousands on my equipment, microphones, mixers etc. Over the years I have also spent thousands of dollars in vocal lessons and have performed in a number of musicals over that time. I know I will never get any of that money back. I didn't start singing in SL for the fame and fortune. I started singing for my pure love of singing. I sing at least 15 songs during my shows of different genre. I look around the studio I have set up and don't think about where I am going to fit the Big Band orchestra when I sing that type of music, I don't think of where the drummer is going to sit and if it will impact on the lead guitarist and I don't feel ashamed when, to get the same impact of a band behind me, I hit the play button. I don't know who OkasanaSedia is nor have I heard them perform so I will not be uncomplimentary towards them. The live music scene, in SL, is populated by every type of performer. Some people play instruments but have a hard time singing in tune. Some backing track singers sound like they have a mouth full of marbles and are trying to sing underwater and some backing track singers perform in SL and pretend to play instruments because they think it fools everyone. So What!!! At the end of the day none of this matters. What matters in the love for singing, the love of performing and the love of being a musician. What matters is that people who go along to these shows enjoy what they hear and spend at least an hour immersed in the music and possibly escaping the stress and strain that is in their RL. The only exception I make to the term Live Singer or Live Performer is the fakes out there. The ones who pre-record all their songs, fiddle with the mix to make them sound right and then pass them off as singing Live. So you think you are listening to someone performing live and your just listening to them play their recording. I have witnessed this being done more times over the years than I care to remember. And its not just singers that have done this. It has been done my instrumentalists too. That is when I do get upset.
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