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Everything posted by Stellabutt

  1. This is a delight to wake up to! Thank you all super much! We've got a lot more to work with now and can properly try and find what we're looking for with this, and I'd certainly take you up on the offer, Lindal; if we do come across one, since naturally we're not the most experienced people when it comes to getting ourselves our own little corner in SL. Super grateful for all this, thank you for going out of your way for us! ♥
  2. Thank you for the help! But that makes me wonder, is there a specific place or a direction you could point me in to be able to browse land that's available for purchase? Still kind of new to this, so I'm a bit unsure of the steps to take. I greatly appreciate any help. ♥
  3. Hi! Me and my SO have been trying to rack our heads to figure out if there is a method to this, but we've come up a bit empty handed. Is there a way for us to use a marketplace house on the premium allocated parcel? If not, is there a way for us to get our hands on a land of equal size that is cleared of any preset houses that exists? And would we be able to use the premium status to pay for said land? Ideally, I'd want to be able to clear our current plot of the preset house in order to use the one we got ourselves. But obviously, if that's not an option; I'd love to hear what alternatives we have. Thanks in advance! ♥ Stella
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