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Cesar Goland

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Everything posted by Cesar Goland

  1. Just wondering, is the new released function llRezObjectWithParams related to this topic? because if so, that was fast...
  2. My concern here is that lets say that the user has a dialog to choose his spawn, but what state is their life on the moment his health reach 0 and until they clicks a dialog option? Would he be alive again waiting (taking more shoots while the person didn't choose a respawn point?)? These kind of situation was why I suggested that we should be able to remain dead, so we can better control the dead consequences
  3. Maybe I am going a little more offtopic here, as I am thinking on using this system not only for combat, but also for a survival aspect, and having the "health" part be used more affected more than just "pew pew pew" (don't get me wrong, I also love the 'pew pew pew' part) Personally one of the greatest things that happened to me here was the Experience update, creating a whole scenario and integrated system has become my favorite thing here. and pretty much that I am describing is already built using meters, but having these kind of integrations direct on Second Life's health system would be awesome in performance. Not having to deal with hud keys, managing listeners to deal with damage, dealing that much possible breachs that cheaters could try to use, all that would be simplified a lot with this framework. Plus having bullets working direct with health without having to worry about exchanging chat messages for damage, or bullet description or whatever the "work around" method that we use for meters.
  4. For sure we could write a "revive" functionality by ourselves, however my question is about what would automaticly happen when health becomes 0, can we keep It zero (and what would be the consequences of it, like a person walking/shooting with 0 health)? It would be weird to control a "death state" manually while having your "health" meter restored to whatever happens after you die. Determining the "death" state should be consistent to what is displayed on the viewer For instance right now on LSL Damage do our health is even displayed at 0%? (I never actually notice) but I know that when It is calculated to 0, we just get teleported home and health is set back to full
  5. One feature that I would love to see would be the ability to stay dead, not forcing instant respawn on reaching health 0, like, what If I want the possibility for being rescued or take a first med kit? making more use for healing effects. Maybe an event on_revive() that triggers when health changes from 0 to anything else. Here the players needs to rescue others and take them to hospitals (I am assuming here that after on_death() health would go back to 100)
  6. I have a RPG system with some combat features on an experience (and other damage dealing features, like hunger and diseases, that would also benefit from this framework), but all usable weapons are specifc for the sim, I would love to use this, performance wise it would be awesome, but I think that being able to limit stuff to a specific experience would be needed, like preventing a on_damage event from even triggering if its damage source is not from a experience (not filtering it in the event, but not even triggering) An example that I can think is that even if we can use on_damage and llDetectDamage to filter out some damage sources the event itself would still be triggered, like spamming the on_damage event enough to prevent some damages to enter?, lets say, If I overload someone with llDamage(...,0,...) preventing other damage events would that specific person be Immortal? Honestly I got so interested in this framework that in almost 15 years of Second Life this is my first post on the forum (English is not my main language, sorry for anything)
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