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Rosie Bergiere

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  1. Simply put: Before, you had a picture showing everything you could get at random. Now you have a picture with a number saying what you can have next... at random. You can say you ban roses, and pour a whole litter of purple food colouring and lavender essence on the rose. It'll still be a rose... just colored different and smelling like a lavender-washed... rose. Gacha will be gacha will be gacha. Needs banning all the same.
  2. Merchants give MONEY to the Lindens - and MONEY is the only language the lindens speak. So here we go. First of, for the MONEY you receive, you should AT LEAST put a link to where we can speak to a human being on the "merchants" help page. But this is a stupid instruction manuals people only refer to twice: the first when learning about it, and the second when there is a BUG about it. In the second, it couldn't be more frustrating to find out we can't report an issue - not even speaking to a human being. As a content creator, and one of those old school that actually READ stuff prior to asking questions, I know that SL ToS forbids the password sharing. Therefore, a store CSR that has NO ACCESS to a creator's inventory is useless at best. They can only - and barely! - answer a customer's questions our fellow creators can't be bothered to. Those creators think they're Bill Gates. A sense of high and mighty self-importance that makes them feel better than any god, and also make them see the end customer as nothing more than a wallet with legs, which is a behavior largely supported by the Lindens when they make it very difficult to the end user, creator or customer (or both!), to actually report a bug or seek for help. As for "forums?" No, Lindens. People on the forums are as good as a store's CSR. They can't do anything when we loose money or inventory. People will reply with everything your very own Wikipedia and other help sources say: "have you tried to refresh or reload cache?", "Log on another, less laggy sim?", "Reinstall your viewer?" It doesn't matter how well they mean - they can't help because they have no access to our inventories - and yours, on your Databases. As I said, if you don't speak to your customers, you only reinforce the issue at hand: Earn the money. But delegate any issues to other people, and make it hard as hell to have a prompt, and actually logical, solution for problems that might arise. If the third party can't help? WHO CARES!! You have your caviar of the day assured, so the customer can sod off!! For instance? My venting here is to say. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when we magically LOOSE inventory items we spend SO MUCH MONEY for, for whichever reasons you invent (such as moving servers, backups, DNS attacks etc), and a creator cannot or simply will not redeliver because your biggest endorser Mr Casper Warden has pane on their systems and disappear with our transaction history? No you don't. And you don't give a rat's arse, cause your money is already assured anyway. Or how it is anger-worthy what happened just now! I was putting my items from inventory to MP, but incredibly, the item managed to vanish in thin air. It was valued an item of at the very least L$1000, that I worked hard to earn: unlike you, some of your end users work for a living, and work in SL because the working for a living pays real life bills, and those SL bills, we earn - and pay - in SL as well. "My world, My Imagination" was far more honest in 2004 when the Lindens were nothing but a bunch of friendly idealists that played and socialized with us in a far less destroyed mainland. And now? WHO will manage to summon my items BACK to my inventory? Or to the MP folder? The store "CSR", that cannot access my inventory? The Forum readers, full of good intentions but unable to offer practical solutions? The "LL Help Desk", that isn't more helpful than a clock with legs that informs you the time? No, it has to be a LINDEN EMPLOYEE from the right department. One that has access to a DATABASE on the SEVER to make sure they know what the freckles is going on. Where did the item disappear to. Roll back, get it UNDELETED. Nothing anyone on a Forum can help with, but that you make impossible to the end user to FIX IT OUT because, IF and WHEN we ever manage to get your attention, you simply won't do ANYTHING but say how sorry you are - you're not sorry. Your money is already assured, so you just can't be bothered to care. Fed up with the indifference and money greedy machine. My world, my imagination, is supposed to be SO much better than that. --The player behind Rosie.
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