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Everything posted by marccasteel

  1. Thank you for answering. I have a follow up question now that I have the answer to the first. How would I go about reporting someone(s) that I know is breaking this rule? When I use the report tab on the persons profile in world, the options are mostly pertaining towards abuse or harassment. Multiple people sharing an account isn't 'abuse' per se but how can I go about reporting someone that is in violation of the TOS?
  2. I have been looking around and I can't exactly find an answer to this question, but what is Linden Labs policy about multiple people sharing a single account? Such as multiple IP addresses using one account at different times of the day or week. I can understand if one where to move locations in real life; moving to a new residence, or even if spouses share or alternate between accounts. This question is mainly about policy pertaining to more than one person, none of whom are related or share the same residence, sharing just one account.
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