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Everything posted by GrimmSoul

  1. I am looking for something like the armor pictured below. For the Gianni body preferably, I am willing to discuss price. I am just a big sucker for the dragon age series and the style of armor, and I think the series needs more love on SL. It does not need to be an exact ripped and in your own fashion. But akin to it in terms of the plate and armor design.
  2. I own practically each heavy armor from this store. And I've done my best to try and piece it together and it's just something I'm not satisfied with. I'm sure it will be costly, but I wouldnt ask if I didn't think I'd be able to cover it.
  3. Greetings those who are reading this thread! I am in dire need of some new shiny armor for the Gianni body and Lel heads. What I have in mind is something akin to the platemail in the photo. I kinda want it similar to that. Color scheme and all. I have tried so long since being back on SL to get this armor commissioned. And to my luck, so far I have gotten nothing. This would also be my first commission on SL, so if this is not kosher to LL terms, just let me know and I can remove the forum. ^^
  4. I shall post it there then! Thank you!
  5. Greetings those who are reading this thread! I am in dire need of some new shiny armor for the Gianni body and Lel heads. What I have in mind is something akin to the platemail in the photo. I kinda want it similar to that. Color scheme and all. I have tried so long since being back on SL to get this armor commissioned. And to my luck, so far I have gotten nothing. This would also be my first commission on SL, so if this is not kosher to LL terms, just let me know and I can remove the forum. ^^
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