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  1. Hm? Of course they still get thrown into the mix, it's not like their sound stands out too much among recent bands. And the little baby goths love to request them just as much as I used to. They haven't listened to the song "Lucretia's dead and will never be clean again" enough to last a lifetime, yet. 😅 Sure it has evolved. But still hasn't turned into house, pop, rap or whatever people who only like "the fashion" or "the aesthetics" listen to. Hmm. Seems like I'll have to wait until the pandemic is over. It's not like there aren't other things to do in SL than music.
  2. I think I know what store you're talking about, but tbh I don't care much for the fashion anymore(at least for now). Just want to socialize in SL and maybe update my rusty building skills to mesh. And since Corona killed off the local club scene IRL I thought maybe SL could be a substitute... I left SL a few years ago and got back recently. And that's why I wonder what happened. Back then you looked for deathrock or batcave and found a club that at least played the radio station classics like Sisters of Mercy, the Cure, Christian Death and so on. But it seems like those terms got appropriated, too. *sigh*
  3. I'd like to know where goths gather inworld. I've been told to join the alternative music informer group, but everything that was advertised as goth rock, deathrock, batcave turned out to be pop music, rap and hip hop(I'm not kidding), those modern bands that try to imitate the slightly darker side of 80s/90s pop music, some metal and Stuff like HIM and manson. Didn't know it was cool again to pretend being goth, but at least batcave and deathrock used to be a good sign that you actually got what you were looking for and it still is in RL. What happened?
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