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Everything posted by Elinly

  1. Thank you so much Rick for your answer and everyone else too. Your answer clarified everthing so well! I had read before the FAQs (TY Laurent) is more technical but with less practical data so I had many doubts. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone, I have a doubt and I hope that someone can help me with that since I could find nothing about it. I know that you can change your name with a fee but I do not know what effects it has in the end. *-Will I loose my friends and will they be able to contact me and see me as before? I do not want to loose that. Thank you all,
  3. I wish you luck. Honest. You seem a decent guy. I do not need that right now but I would get in touch should I need something. You say that you are new so let me tell you that, residents are concerned not only on the design (we love that) but on the number of prims (we need it low). I really wish you good luck
  4. Thank you very much OptimoMaximo!! Looking forward to get some more feedback!
  5. Hi all, I was trying to buy a pose and since I could not find it, I decided to make it (I am a basic DAZ user). I enjoyed very much the process. After may attempts I could upload my pose to SL, but I am hovering-floating over the ground when I activate it instead of sitting on the floor. I tried Crtl+D on the full avatar and also hips but it didn't help. I have looked for a solution for days before bothering you all but I could not solve the issue. Could anyone give me a hint on how can I solve this issue I have installed DAZ Studio 4.15. I am using the imported avatar from SL (as instructed in many tutorials). Thanks in advance! Take care! Ellie
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