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Sinvares Tenk

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Everything posted by Sinvares Tenk

  1. This planet is doomed its filled with sensitive snowflakes, WTH happened and who dropped the ball on kids today damn.
  2. LL needs to be more worried about the auto clicker bots on gaming sims not gochas they are the least of anyones problems. they are quater machines simple as that, if the legal systme has a problem then they need to remove all casinos, all arcade, and all quarter machines. Otherwise this is just nothing but snowflakes crying about it.
  3. Still a gamble anyone can make a good looking demo seperate of the actual product. At least with a gocha you see what you can get you see whats common and uncommon your able to see your possibilities, its not a blind bet like the gamming sims which honestly are the worst considering they are filled with auto clicker bots.
  4. Its funny the only people who say its a "Gamble" are the one who pick and choose everything and withh dump loads of L just to get it, while the inteligent ones who say its not are happy just to get whatever they are getting, dont complain at the resale dont complain of what they get why, id sujest that they know gachas are where the real creators are. cant count how many times im disapointed at creators who just refuse to make quality items. I get gocha because of the quality of the item not for the rare and not for specifics, is it gambling nah not one bit i find items on the MP of a much more chance then a gocha.
  5. Well lets just put it this way then, your donating to that vendor and in return your getting a random Free gift you can continue to donate to that vendor and continue to recieve a random Free gift. Now its no longer considered gambling. Now you can resale that FREE gift on the market to recieve some money back. Problem solved. (drops Mic) anything you buy on the marketplace is a gamble simple fact.
  6. To that child they want their favorate color, To you..... You want the color you want. I completely understand where that individual is comming from and i find it sad that people are seriously trying to make a joke of it, in all honesty they are the joke because the guy makes a perfect point. Its the same concept why should it only pertain to adults only. To many people are one track minded and can never look outside of a box because their set to one track and only one. Given the fact id have to agree that gochas just are not gambling, Its what we call a great marketing oppurtunity, While you can resale them and possibly not of the same gatcha price you can safely say you will get something back in return. In gambling it always involves losing most if not all, prize giving isn't entirely gambling ok you see something your like so you try a few times. While your not losing money because each turn your winning an item sometime the same but most of the time its something diferent. The chances of not getting a rare is not insanly high, and not all items of rare people want. At the point that all of the items are resalable and Marhetable makes it a non Gambling item. There is no work around on this. The point that if it was a no transfer item making it a gamble yes that is very correct, but since these items are tradable and resalable doesnt make it a game it makes it a market.
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