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Rei Waifu

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Posts posted by Rei Waifu

  1. 1 hour ago, So Whimsy said:

    We can only speculate at this point as will the merchants. I think there will be some sort of adjustement period where things will find a median between too cheap and too expensive. It also depends on how many pieces are in the gacha and of course the quality. 10,000L seems like a lot if say, there's say an outfit in 6 different colors. But if it's a home and garden gacha with a house and 39 other unique items then 10k doesn't sound as much anymore.

    Yeah it was an outfit with about 9 colors, luckily i wear Maitreya lara petite anyway so i wouldnt have been able to use that outfit anyway, but 10k is pure greed (that said i about fall out of my chair when im searching for homes on the MP and some are like 250k)

  2. 21 minutes ago, Stella Davros said:

    for the conveyor belt i think that is a good idea cause like this the customers will know in advance what item they will buy and will have the ability to choose if buy it or not, 

    Yeah they might "SEE" whats available to buy ... but they have zero control over what appears on that conveyor belt ... and if it only shows ten items and all ten need to be purchased before it randomises another ten ... what's to stop creators from hiding the rare or the optical illusion that the rare will be number 11.... and if you only want item number 9 on the current selection.. if someone has to purchase 1 through 8 on the belt before you can get number 9... then yeah its crooked 

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  3. 44 minutes ago, Pixels Sideways said:

    Anyone who depends on SL to "make a living" is foolish at best.

    LL created a platform and a currency for people to play with.  LL is not obligated to be the sole foundation for anyone who chooses to engage in commerce in SL in order to "make a living."

    SL isn't going to last forever either, in fact with the creaky old engine we're plodding along with at the moment, i'd give it another five years before it either breaks or they need to make major upgrades and changes.

    People need to have a contingency plan for finances that doesn't rely on second life, and especially shady practices like gacha and other gambling systems

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  4. The gacha system was never created as a way for creators to earn mega bucks from it. It started off as a way of putting items that you may not have been able to sell to your regular customers ..... do you own a normal clothing store but really want to make a cosplay set .. or a pet Llama ..... or a gun that shoots rainbows ... put it into a gacha as a fun little extra for people to buy.

    Now everything seems to be gacha, even items that have no sense in being gacha..... like splitting a normal clothing item set up into six pieces for each color...... 


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  5. How on earth and all other realms did LL come to the conclusion that conveyor belt systems would be a good idea to allow?

    If your trying to get rid of gachas and all they encompass due to the legal ban around lootboxes, then don't green light something 100x worse that uses the same elements of randomness but also adds in even more ways for creators to screw over their customers.


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  6. 1 hour ago, ChicYoda said:

    Perfect way to run off Second Lifes last few active players. This makes no sense without actually implementing something new, it's just taking away. I smell a rat. Recently the state of California sued Activision/Blizzard for grosse and I mean way overboard grosse conduct within the company. Is this going on in this online company? This decision to remove. How about doing something CONSTRUCTIVE, UPDATE YOUR GAME ENGINE, IT'S EXTREMELY POOR, OUT OF DATE AND BASICALLY MAKES THE GAME UNPLAYABLE FOR MOST. 100% OUT OF TOUCH WITH IT'S OWN COMMUNITY, AGAIN. THUMBZ DOWN. I'd like my money back for investing in gacha scripts and machines and the uploads for advertisements for it. How about that, will you pay me my money back?  It's why I spend most of my time someplace else now.

    oh bore off .... and in before they lock the thread

  7. For crying out loud .. we're on page 108 now and people still aernt getting it through their heads...

    Step 1: Pay Lindens into a machine that contains lots of different items

    Step 2: Get a random item that you didn't have any choice in.

    Step 3: You just played a form of gacha .... BANNED


    Step 1: You pay money into a vendor that shows a specific item

    Step 2: You get the exact item thats shown on that vendor

    Step 3: Congratulations you just paid into a normal vendor ... enjoy your Justin Beiber 4ever Mug ---- Allowed Vendor (even though Beiber should be banned)


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  8. 2 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Do I dare point out that in spite of your apparent clarity, LL has been having to confer with their legal experts as to the specifics and limits of these new rules as it relates to the various questions being asked in this thread? Obviously to the people who want Gachas gone it is clear cut but to those who have relied on this for their sales or purchases, there is a necessity for a more exact definition of what is considered to be gambling.

    Thinking of how yesterday when I was inworld shopping there was a cute skirt from one creator that didn't have a demo available and it struck me it was a bit of a gamble to buy it without being able to try it on first. Should not that sort of common scenario also fall under this as I do not know exactly what I would be buying other then a box with a picture of a skirt on it. Often enough items are not exactly as shown because of photoshopping, specific posing etc.

    No this doesnt count..... you know that your buying a skirt ... you dont think your buying a skirt, but get a hat in the box..... yeah the quality might be crap, the rigging awful, but you still got exactly what you paid for

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  9. People at this stage are not only trying to beat a dead horse, their trying to dress it up in a costume so it no longer resembles what it actually is.

    If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, doesn't matter what you call it, its still a duck.....  

    If you have to pay lindens into it, if it doesnt let you choose EXACTLY what your getting back... if it contains even the slightest trace of randomness ... then its going to be banned under the gacha rules...

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  10. Good god, 77 pages later and people are still trying to find ways to sell items via gacha without calling it a gacha?


    If you pay a vendor.. where it be a gumball machine, slot machine, or a cows head ... and it randomly drops an item out that you have zero control over ... then its a GACHA machine .... whether you call it Randys Randomiser ... Susans Suprise or whatever else people are coming up with... 

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