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Everything posted by ARD1994

  1. When u want to buy linden u have 2 options the first is to buy normally but you will have less lindens and the second one is from the exchange where u can buy lindens (Like for selling) at different quote and Maybe u have to wait a bit and the limits are just for the second option
  2. This is the limit that you can buy from them fronte the lindex exchange but if u Want to buy normally there is not limit....and second the LEGAL reason is that Lootboxes are illegal since years and they wake up right now?
  3. A lot of people talk about addiction with gacha machines saying is an addiction ect ect.....but when you spend all your salary for buy lindens and wear your avatar into the regular events/shops where you choose what you buy is an addiction too? So why then LL dont put a limit of lindens that you can buy monthly??? Because Linden don t care about your addictions......so please stop say that gacha is addiction because for what i see all SL is an addiction just we have to be honest and don t say that who use to play gacha are addicted when there is people who don t even buy bread because they have to go to the last event for buy clothes/hair/shoes, gachas Was another way to do business like the other just Was a plus that you can resell what you don t like and like this can give the chance to earn some linden to who don t know how to use 3D software....i hope that someone will find some way to continue this business in other ways at least everybody will be happy and for who don t like nobody force people to do or to buy Nothing....love ya all
  4. Just put multiple vendors and do the event in more sim....after lock the vendor to one single player with timeline and should be fine...i mean Nothing impossible, and if the problem is that for who create event will cost too much they can put cost for enter like example 100L
  5. Anyway where is the skill into zyngo machines?? It s another random machine LOL.... btw they have just to find the solution....
  6. “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; 2) requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play;
  7. Exactly...i don t understand why they don t run the gacha events into skill game regions and as well give the chance to open gacha's shops into this regions too....it's easy....there is no difference by the law from a zyngo and gachas!!!! So they have to apply the same rules....means open gacha's event and rent gacha's shops into skill game regions
  8. Would be great if LL will run gacha events into the skill games regions, and about the creators they could have the chance to open their own gacha shops into other skill games regions, like this will be fine for everybody , so if LL wants can fix all!!!! I mean the zyngo gambling machines still run in SL with the conditions to stay in skill games regions, why don t do the same with gachas??? @Patch Linden
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