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Runa Nightingale

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  1. I've done a quick portrait because I wanted to update my profile pic. ☺️
  2. Nightingale Estate is a new life, roleplay sim in an alternative history and fantasy setting. This Friday we're holding an opening event and we'd love to see you there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nightingale Estate/223/36/22
  3. I've gone for a younger look for roleplay in Mischief Managed (Harry Potter) and other places.
  4. Runa Nightingale


    I'm looking to sell this plot of land asap and would rather not abandon it. It's 1040sqm and a roadside parcel in Kaseyo. It's on a Pod route and the sim is pretty quiet. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kaseyo/218/80/73
  5. I just realised this is in the wrong forum... I'm so sorry!
  6. I'm looking to sell this plot of land asap and would rather not abandon it. It's 1040sqm and a roadside parcel in Kaseyo. It's on a Pod route and the sim is pretty quiet. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kaseyo/218/80/73
  7. A unique piece of land which gives you protected railway access to the SLRR with a sea view. You can rez out a train and place it on the tracks to ride at your convenience. L$12,000
  8. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Triphosa/28/235/39
  9. I'm selling this parcel of 1024sqm and you'll get all objects included in the sale - a home, trees, grass, flowers, rocks and a pond.
  10. I'm sorry the name isn't to your taste, Persephone. Thanks for your feedback. :)
  11. SL Kids and families! Come and join us for our opening party with two banging sets with Saffie the Cupcake Pirate and DJ FurbyTeaspoon. We're having a Neverland Best Costume contest with a L$2,000 prize and our Treasure Hunt with 5 free piratey gifts. See you there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Argabuthon/150/201/74
  12. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shipton/69/27/31 Please give me a shout with any questions or queries!
  13. I'm looking to sell this parcel of land which has a protected railway along one side with a sea view. You're able to rez a train out on your land and ride the rails at your convenience. A pretty unusual and rare find!
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