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  1. bhadhabbits

    Zooby Problems

    Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew how to fix this problem or if anyone else has experienced this? My zooby baby is stretched out and when I attach him to be he disappears? I use firestorm for my viewer normally but then when I switched to a different viewer oddly I can see him and it's so frustrating because I have to learn a different viewer just to take care of him and see him can anyone help I'd highly appreciate it!!!
  2. Hello. I'm looking for someone to potentially decorate my Livingroom. I have a skybox and I want something to spice it up and make it look homey. I will send more details of how I'd like it to the person that will be decorating. eventually I will have someone work on the other rooms but I wanna explore my options before I spend a fortune lol. If anyone is interested my IW is : bhadhabbits Thank youuuuu!.. ❤️
  3. Hi I'm Ashlee, Long story short just looking for any jobs besides DJ available. (I love DJ'S but i cant DJ for nothing lol😁) I'm willing to work weekdays and weekends and I'm looking for job I can be committed to. You can DM me IW @bhadhabbits
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