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Everything posted by Karmaveat

  2. UPDATE 😅 default { collision_start(integer num_detected) { // Check if any avatar is detected integer i; for (i = 0; i < num_detected; i++) { if (llDetectedType(i) & AGENT) { // Adjust the force as per your requirement float force = 1000.0; // Calculate the direction of the push vector direction = llDetectedVel(i) * force; direction.z = force; // Push the colliding avatar llPushObject(llDetectedKey(i), direction, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE); // Start animation and trigger sounds llStartAnimation("Kick"); llSleep(0.4); llTriggerSound("a6a10ad3-3ff1-4532-0e4c-5f222ba35a92", 1.0); llTriggerSound("c868ee5f-7f2d-5a43-dff5-55701129ed0c", 1.0); } } } } The script is now effectively "yeeting" and playing the sounds appropriate on collision with another avatar.. BUT, is now no longer animating the "Kick" of the wearer.
  3. Thank you so much for this detailed response I can actually understand lol I will now attempt to put this new insight to use 😆
  4. I know this has been asked before, BUT I have an object I can wear..a "yeet kicker" when I wear this object and click the feet of someone else, they projectile into the air, I do an animated "kick" and a "yeet" sound plays. Is it possible to have the same effect with this as a "bumper"? Specifically if someone bumps into me could they effectively "yeet" themselves? There are no permissions needed when I click their feet, I can't figure out how to script well enough to know if this is even possible. Below is the script for the "yeet kicker" default { attach(key k_avatar) { if (k_avatar != NULL_KEY) llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } run_time_permissions(integer permessi) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_LBUTTON, TRUE, TRUE); } control(key idTASTO, integer premuto, integer modifica) { if (premuto & modifica & CONTROL_LBUTTON) llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 2, PI); } sensor(integer n) { float forza = llGetObjectMass(llDetectedKey(0)) * 915000; vector direzione = llVecNorm(llDetectedPos(0) - llGetPos()) * forza; direzione.z = forza; llStartAnimation("Kick"); llSleep(0.4); llTriggerSound("a6a10ad3-3ff1-4532-0e4c-5f222ba35a92",1.0); llTriggerSound("c868ee5f-7f2d-5a43-dff5-55701129ed0c",1.0); llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), direzione, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE); } }
  5. Well then, that would explain why I can't find a script to make it work and the ones I have found mess up the wings. Thank you both!
  6. I have these skull butterflies, they don't move. Anyone have a script to bring them to life? Animate dead spell didn't work, sadly. (Sorry, ignore that)
  7. Completely new to modifying anything. ATM my script is playing all 9 sounds in my object at once, I know theres a way to make each sound play each time its touched. I've looked all over, here I am.. default { touch_start(integer total_num) { llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); llTriggerSound("sound",1.0); } }
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