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Henry Blackwood

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Posts posted by Henry Blackwood

  1. "Hello everyone, I'm Henry, and I'm an alt."

    My avatars have always been about family and community. My first av is female, and lived in Caledon in 2006. Being a Victorian themed community, dances were a regular occurrence, and as male avs were in the minority, rather than being a wallflower Rachel acquired a brother, Rafe, and so the first alt arrived.

    More alts were created as need demanded, and the family spread amongst various communities. Some were little more than 'flavour' in adding to a story in a community RP, but others actually developed their characters and had time spent on them. Each of the alts had their own personality and quirks, but essentially they all held my own personal ideals. None were ever used to deceive, although one is definitely the 'black sheep' of the family, and it always amazed me just how popular he was with both my friends who knew of all my alts, and friends he made that didn't know his connection to my family. He is MUCH more outgoing than I am!

    As has been mentioned, the cost for establishing an alt can be substantial. After a while, I decided that one of the main ones would hold all furniture. He would buy anything that was needed and then would furnish homes for any of the others as the need arose. The others were still acquiring their own clothes and mesh body/head, but their look once established would seldom change. The last alt was made almost 6 years ago now!

    This furniture holding alt became very much the main av, and as I enjoy having both male and female avs, I decided to give this main one a gender neutral name to enable me to change their appearance according to my preference at any given time. They have now taken over, with us other alts now being little more than the holders of the family Linden Homes, but that is fine with us, it's all in the family afterall.




    Rachel with her personal guard, all of my male avs




    My space station crew a few years ago (I think only Rachel has a mesh body/head at that time) with all the female avs apart from the last one made, and 4 of the guys. It was like herding cats getting that picture :P 




    The last 'family photo' taken at Christmas

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  2. 6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I just realized maybe not everyone on this forum knows the Saturday Night Live sketch to which this thread title refers. Are people outside of the US familiar with SNL?

    Video is unavailable for me too. I do know what Saturday Night Live is, and it’s actually shown on one channel here, but I’ve never watched it other than seeking out a sketch many years ago with John Belushi playing Captain Kirk. As for the cowbell reference …. Not a clue.

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  3. 56 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Talking about Belli needs.. does Belli have those self driving hover cars that travel all the other mainland continents? I'd love to stand out in front of my house and hop on one and go exploring.

    That’s more a case of being taken for a ride rather than exploring. It is easy to explore in Bellisseria…stand out in front of your house, walk or rez your own vehicle, open the map and follow the paths, roads, railways and waterways. Move at your own pace and take in the delights of this beautiful continent.

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  4. On 2/20/2024 at 2:33 AM, Mouse Mysterious said:

    Come experience the charm and the chills of the Mysterious Manor.  Located in the quaint Linden Home area of Bellisseria, this rather active hot spot of spirits is enough to keep any paranormal investigator knee deep in EVPs and REm-Pod alarms.  Feel free to bring along friends and even use our interactive Ouija Board to make your own contact from beyond the grave.  Feel free to hit up our group joiner located in our lobby and stay as long as you like.

    Haunted Bellisseria is a new group for those interested in highlighting their haunted places in Bellisseria or just for those with curiosity and interest in the Paranormal.  


    Have other haunted locations in Bellisseria.  Feel free to drop them in this thread with a SLURL


    [ Eva ] Mysterious Manor_001.png

    Having seen this post, I thought it would be an ideal excursion for Aunt Rachelle on one of her night runs, especially as it is within Victoria.



    You can see just how delighted she is when she approaches the house! 


    A walk around the balcony, enjoying basking in the moon's rays


    Must make sure to sign the visitors book, an excellent way to let the owner know just how much she enjoyed the house. Aunt Rachelle took no other internal pictures, rather wishing for you all to go and see for yourselves!



    Arrival back at home in plenty of time before the sunrise.


    And as Aunt Rachelle takes to her sleep with the rising of the sun, faithful Janus having put the car away and changing his clothes takes up his position to stand.... and wait, as he has always done.

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  5. Just now, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:

    Somewhere in this 330+ page thread did anyone ever figure out what the letters 'SSP' stand for?


    It was mentioned in the early days that it stood for ‘Super Secret Project’.

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  6. 53 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

    I am currently trying out fantasseria, and have worked out a deal* with my brain to let the landscape make sense, and under those new circumstances the place is actually quite beautiful.
    So what I was wondering, is if anybody noticed if the number of available fantasy homes changed after the treehouses were released?
    I'm talking later on than the novelty rush stage.
    If there was no real long term change then this could affect how the Moles think about, say, adding new home styles to the Log Sub-continent.

    * The deal is that Raspberry is renting a property in Norfolk. She has always wanted to go there and sail a boat on the broads (canals). Once arrived the place is a little different to her expectations, but the Edwardian style home is lovely, the land is as flat as she might expect, and she thinks that maybe that mushroom omelette she ate at a motorway service station on the way down has given her a visual migraine.

    Love your deal Raspberry!

    I don’t have any figures to hand to substantiate the effect, but I remember the available chalets being around 2.5k and the logs around 2k with the fantasy being in between. Having just checked the latest numbers there seems little change.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

    I have noticed the availability of the trads and vics creeping up slowly, and assumed some residents were switching to the new premium plots.
    It will be interesting to see how quickly the newly released meds are taken up, it will give an indication of 2048 demand.

    It really wasn’t that long ago that the Vics availability hovered between zero and single figures. The Trads were likewise a waiting game a few months before that, and the available figures now are quite amazing. Then again, the take up of the Ranches and Meds has been astounding, an excellent project for LL, and so the fluctuations are to be expected.

    The work on the Victorians on the Southern Island below Merrymount seems to have slowed since the launch of the Ranches, and with the increase of available Vics I cannot help but think that the boat has been missed with that project.

    With that area in mind… would it be worth considering reworking the parcels to 2048 sqm, keeping the existing building choice but thereby making another market for Premium Plus? I know it has been mentioned previously by ‘those in the know’ that reworking an area is more time consuming than developing a new area, but as an out and out fan and supporter of the Victorian theme I’d love to see the area put to good use, and who knows, maybe entice some of the prem plus lovers of Vics to come back without losing the increased prim allowance that they currently enjoy with Ranches and Meds.

    • Like 3
  8. 7 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

    I am really grateful for all the detailed advice given here, everyone had something useful to say.
    Even with the golf cart I have been really enjoying myself, and now I am hopeful of finding a way to get a more conventional looking car to work.
    @Nika Talaj I would be grateful indded for a ready done script, my coding powers do not extend beyond fiddling with the odd setting and hoping for the best!

    As has already been mentioned, GEMC and Lusch are excellent for Bellisseria. I also use ACS scripted vehicles by CHC. She tunes them really well, and I've had no trouble with them in Bellisseria. She has a test track to demo all of her cars and makes many different types.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I've seen people add mesh snow around their homes in the Log Home regions, so this is obviously possible. While some people like a snowy environment, however, not everyone does. Just look at how many tropical beaches there are in SL vs. cold rocky ones. (I would not like to live in a snowy environment in RL or SL.) 

    LL can't just randomly change Linden Home regions once people have already taken homes in them. They could make some snowy regions in the future though.

    I agree, LL cannot just randomly change a LH region, but I wasn’t suggesting the entire theme change, just an area. With over two and half thousand unoccupied chalets you’d think there might be ‘an area’ that could be open to change. And why live there all the time? Perfect for an alt to be upgraded to premium for a month or two thus keeping the original home with the main a/c. But this isn’t something that I’m trying to push for my own ends as I’m more than happy with my Victorians, but I’ve seen people ask for it, and thought it might be a way for the spare chalets to be utilised.

    • Like 2
  10. A friend of the family loves to play 'The Game of Homes', and it really is an excellent way to see what's around as was demonstrated by a roll that he made today. This wonderful frog pond folly is situated behind several Victorian houses that surround it and is really most delightful! An easy thing to miss unless you stumble across it. Gray is now determined to take more balloon flights over VictoriBelle in order to discover hidden gems!


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  11. 8 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    I always feel a tiny swell of pride when I see any Blackwood folks around; that was the name I won the right to add to SL's name directory at auction a while ago.  And so many of you; that is truly wonderful!!  🤗 🤗

    Our thanks to you for having done that Leora! :D 

    I know that the family names are limited in their availability, and with the original ones before Resident I agree that they should stay exclusive, but it would be great if some of the new batches could be left open to enable people to be able to continue a family’s growth.

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  12. 15 hours ago, MALIFAX said:

    Hi, is it possible for example to have a midday environment on sea level and a midnight one at 3000m altitude ?  (CF space station)

    Thanks for your answers

    Yes it is. Go to the ‘about land’ window for the parcel and bring up the environment tab. You’ll see that there are levels shown at 1000 meter increments. If you then look in the library section of your inventory there are several different types you can use in the environment folder. Rather than just dragging from the library, I tend to copy them into a folder in my inventory for ease of use. You can also buy themes from the marketplace too.

    If you want to revert back to region default, just press the button labelled as such on the left side of the environment tab window.

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  13. 28 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

    Just dumped my ranch waiting for these. Walked through the decorated ones and I really like all the open, sunny spaces. 

    Any idea when they may actually be available? I've been so busy with RL work stuff I feel like I'll miss out on the release!

    Patch has said in chat not to abandon as yet, as there's no date set for release..... "Don't abandon your homes, don't undecorate, there are no promises this will launch before end of year."

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  14. 11 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    Got some more information about the eight home styles.

    1. Favola (2 storey, 388 LI)

    2. Bella Rosa (single storey, 250 LI)

    3. Primavera (2 storey, 300 LI)

    4. Grande Vista (2 storey, 394 LI)

    5. Felicita (2 storey, 353 LI)

    6. Bella Vista (single storey, 230 LI)

    7. Precioso (2 storey, 273 LI)

    8. Gran Palma (2 storey, 355 LI)

    Just to point out Sarah, the LI does not count against your parcel allowance.

    • Like 4
  15. 2 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Interesting, can you tell what group it is looking for?  I am wondering if that is an interim step as the Moles build RR routes.

    Yes, the rez zones in Laurinda, although marked, were not enabled for public rezzing until a most of the finishing touches were done. 

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  16. On 11/27/2023 at 2:12 PM, Henry Blackwood said:

    Likewise, the station at Red Hook would be greatly enhanced with the addition of station signage :) 



    Thank you! :D



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